Family devotions: Evangelism and service to God

Family devotions: Evangelism and service to God

Posted on January 7, 2009 Updated on January 6, 2009


Matthew 4 vs 19

Understand this: Jesus doesn’t invite us to follow Him because we believe in Him. He invites us to follow Him because He believes in us! He says: ‘Follow me and I will make you. ‘He knows what we can become when His grace touches our lives

So, come as you are. Come with your self righteous or sordid past. Come with your halo or your hang-ups. Come, even though you wonder if He can do what He promises. Let his power and presence rub off on you. What do you have to lose? You’ve tried your way and it didn’t work, now try His way. Come. You won’t be disappointed!

Also read: Numbers 16-18, Mark 10 vs13, Ps 37 vs 32-40; Proverbs 11 vs. 7-8

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This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Devotionals, Evangelism, Religion, service to God.

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