Getting Old and Irrelevant, or Willing to Change? — iWork4Him

It happens to all of us. God gives us a direction and we move toward that direction and eventually that new direction becomes routine. That routine has the danger of getting stuck in a rut.

What am I talking about? I know that it's happened to me at least three or four specific times in my life where God placed a ministry in my life and asked me to be obedient serving there for a season, but I didn't recognize the end of the season. Sometimes that ministry was in business, or the church, or my community, but it was still ministry.

Here's what I so often forget – what has a beginning, often has an end. What is relevant today, may not be relevant two years from now.

I need to be open to when the Holy Spirit tells me change is on the horizon. When God asks me to finish one task and move onto another, I need to be willing to let go and obey. I don't want to become out of date and irrelevant, or do things just because I've "always done it that way". Take for instance Sears and Kmart – they didn't adjust and now they are extinct.

The gospel is fresh and brings freedom in new ways every day. How is God asking you to bring that fresh Gospel message of freedom to the people you work alongside today? Is it a different approach than what you have done in the past?

Let's be open to change and realize that God is at the center of that change. He wants to be Relevant to those we work around each and every day.

Truth is truth and it's never changing. How the truth is presented may change. It was once from a street corner or a pulpit and today it may be online blogs and podcasts. Still the same message.

Are you stuck in a rut or are you willing to change?

Let go and let God lead you into new fresh waters.

Here's a few of our favorite resources to help you in a fresh way:

Lamentations 3:23

23 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.

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