God injures feeder roots so new roots form


Questions to ponder, consider, meditate, and process in God’s presence…

1)      What is a destructive root system working within you, that needs to be destroyed?  A system that is invasive and damaging to yourself and your relationships?  A long-standing root system that is affecting your ability to see and know God’s peace, life, and power?

2)      Next week's blog– Are there destructive root systems in those around you?  Are their thoughts, behaviors, attitudes, and criticisms destroying the strength of your faith foundation?  Is there someone you need to approach because their state-of-heart is damaging your faith walk and obedience to Christ?

For more, read on…

This week a friend of mine sat in with me for a situation that needs resolve.  After the situation that she attended with me, we went to her house and asked God to help us process what just took place.  We took about 30 minutes to worship and pray and wait on God’s input.  She received 2 words for me, “New roots.”  For context, she gave a couple of scriptures, one being Jeremiah 17:7-8:

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
    that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
    its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
    and never fails to bear fruit.”

Roots.  The things we can't see growing underground.  How important are they? 

Did you know that roots can be more vigorous in growth and change than the leaves above?  Did you know that new roots form RAPIDLY AFTER INJURY?  This was revelation to me.  For some reason, I had a picture in my mind that roots would rapidly grow just based upon season.  I never factored in DEATH of roots as reason for rapid growth of

NEW roots. 

From a report called “Tree roots: facts and fallacies”, it states, “injury to and death to roots are frequent…” 

​Injury and death, commonly referred to in scripture as suffering and dying to self.

In the report I read, the roots referred to  as being injured and dying frequently were not the main tree roots; but the feeder roots.  Feeder roots are made up of a complex system of network roots that primarily grow out and up.  They absorb water and other nutrients to feed the tree.  These feeder roots reside much closer to ground level and therefore are more easily damaged by surface level contaminants.  They are more easily injured by surrounding plants, insects, animals, chemicals, and human action.

To me this brought great revelation and gave me much to ponder.  I’ve been really struggling with what God is doing right now in my life.  Why so much injury and pain as this year starts?  I’ve been upset about a call to “suffer” not willing to follow God’s lead.  It’s been causing a great amount of distress and push-back in me.   

But though I have been a reluctant participant in whatever He is doing right now, of late I am turning and obeying, trusting Him to help me face pain.  Through a series of “yes'", the new roots God wants formed are beginning to find their way deeper in Him.  Its not over yet; but I know I am on the right path.  Certainly I have made mistakes, but praise God as I reach for him, there is promise of healing.  Do you believe that for yourself? 

Luke 6:19-and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all.

My revelation will not be your revelation; but I believe God wants me to share steps I've taken for revelation because too many travel alone.  I haven't gone on the path of healing alone.  As I have said yes to God, I have invited people into my pain and had it all laid before God with them.  There is healing if we trust and have confidence in God as Jeremiah 17:7-8 listed above promises. 

What steps have I taken?
1-      Ultimately I have given in, I have surrendered to face the painful situation that God is asking me to face.  Our first step is to say, "Yes Lord." – John 14:23
2-      I haven’t process my pain alone.  In very difficult moments, I've called friends.  I've asked them to come over and “be with me”.  I’ve been willing to mourn in their presence and be vulnerable, no matter how awkward it has felt to do so. – James 5:16
​3-      I've let several people pray for me; and have been tuning into what is coming from these “intimates” after they have prayed and sought God on my behalf.  There is a common message forming.- Matthew 18:19
4-      I have not faced difficult meetings alone.  See Matthew 18:16, where 2 or more are gathered, there Christ is with them.  I have taken a spirit filled friend with me. for confrontation and to address situations.
5-      I’ve not trusted in my own perceptions or other human perceptions after those meetings.  I’ve processed my questions at the foot of the cross searching His Word, asking Him to give me and others His wisdom and His thoughts. – Isaiah 55:8-9
6-      As this process has continued, I’ve become more willing to face suffering and pain believing it will produce more of Him in me.    2 Corinthians 1:5-7
7-      I’ve been more willing to look at my anger.  I've cast it on Christ, and have gone "deeper" to feel the pain and confess the fear driving it.  – 1 Peter 5:7,
8-      I’ve been obeying His call to sing during the pain, despite not feeling like it. -Psalm 63:7, I Thessalonians 5:16.
9-      I continue to seek scripture for wisdom.  Night and evening, praying continually asking God to speak to me through scripture and give me His wisdom.  I want the new roots.  I want healing. – 1 Thessalonians 5-17, Psalm 119:10.
10-      New roots are forming as I continue to cry out asking for more of the Holy Spirit. “Holy Spirit come, open my eyes that I may see and understand and obey.”- Luke 11:13

What are the new roots he wants forming in you and me?  What is the purpose behind the injury? 

​He says to you, He says to me, “Let your roots go deeper in Me.”

Is there distress in your life?  What feeder roots might God be injuring?  If you were to picture yourself as a tree, what does your root system look like?  Are they thirsty?  Are they feeling contaminated, raw and right at the surface, easily damaged?  Is something cutting through those surface roots?  What do your leaves look like?  Are they green and flourishing? 

Take time to consider yourself as a tree.  Ask God to show you a picture of where you are planted, by His stream or alone in a desert?  Pray for God show you your root system.  Ask Him where you need to go deeper.  Are "Holy Spirit filled-others" 


with you in your injury?  Go through the list of 10 things above, are you taking these steps?  Ask God to provide intimate others who are surrendered to God, to be with you as you face the pain He wants to heal.

​Next week’s blog is about asking him to show you a root system in situations and people around you that might be damaging to your foundation.  Until then please try out the 2 meditations offered on the meditation page.  Consider becoming a monthly supporter at just $10 per month!  If you do, you will exclusively receive future meditations and accompanying resources once a month!  I will receive notice that you have signed up as a monthly donor and your name and email will be added to the distribution of each month's prayer meditation resource!

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