God of the messy and the inconsistent,
God of the distracted and the ashamed,
God of the broken-hearted and the grieving,
God of the discouraged and the anxious— 

Thank you as we start the year afresh,
We do not fear our own weakness or lack.
That we don’t have to pretend with you,
For you already know us inside and out. 

Thank you for choosing to be the God of the messy.
Thank you for not expecting us to have it all together,
Or figured out or planned ahead.
Thank you for your patience in our failings and flaws. 

Thank you for choosing to love us, right where we are.
For putting worth on us that we don’t deserve or earn,
So we also can’t lose it accidentally or on purpose.
For reaching out always and pursuing us faithfully. 

Thank you for being with us in the dark valley,
For promising comfort even if not instant relief.
Thank you for not being afraid of our anger, our misery, our pain—
For sitting in it with us and also calling us to yourself. 

Thank you that as many times as I beat my fists against your chest,
You hold me closer, reminding me you aren’t leaving.
Thank you for being the firm rock in the middle of tidal waves of emotions,
Holding me steadfast as I focus on you. 

Thank you for calling me to something greater than my pain and my past.
Thank you for making me whole and new, even when I don’t feel like it sometimes.
Thank you for being all that I need for each day,
Which, frankly, is everything most days. 

Thank you for not leaving me broken and washed up,
But calling me to hope, to love, to access living water.
Thank you for filling me up and pouring out around me,
Not waiting for me to find enough courage to drum up strength for the situation. 

Thank you that no matter what I need—
strength, patience, wisdom, kindness, faithfulness—
you promise to be all of that in and through me.
I never have to live this life alone. 

Thank you that your expectation of me is nothing
Apart from what Jesus can do through me.
I get to be a branch on the living Vine,
Not straining, striving or beating the air with trying so hard. 

Thank you that you let me rest while moving,
Peace always accessible in my spirit tied to you.
That nothing can steal that safe place from me,
For you hold me securely there always. 

God of the hard days and the good,
Thank you for delighting in my dependence on you.
I need you desperately for everything,
And I’m so glad to do this life with you.

For the source of your pleasure is not in my performance or the sacrifices I might offer to you. The fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you. You will not despise my tenderness as I humbly bow down at your feet. Psalm 51:16-17