Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

I have said it before, but here it goes again. “God really does care about the little things in our lives.” The toilet upstairs in our house gets easily clogged if too much toilet paper is used, even if the paper is like that thin restaurant toilet paper.

It happened again, and I had been struggling to unclog it without removing the toilet from the floor. After several attempts using a plunger and a plumber’s snake, I was still defeated. The toilet could handle one but not two, if you know what I mean.

Today, I knew I needed to get it resolved, but we didn’t have the money to call a plumber. I started praying. I asked God, “What do I have in the garage that I can insert in the end of the plumber’s snake that has teeth?” Like a meat-cutting knife. I went into the garage and started looking around. Then I saw my jig saw. It uses small blades. I took the blade out and inserted it into the end of the snake. Then, it was too long to make the bends in the back of the toilet, so I had to break it in half.

Once the blade was where I thought the clog was, I turned the snake around and around and then back and forth. I removed it, and the toilet still didn’t flush smoothly. I heard in my spirit, “Plunger it aggressively.” I did, and it must have finished knocking the clog loose because it worked. The toilet now flushes normally.

Perhaps you are saying, “So what?” To me, it was a big deal and an answer to prayer. I love knowing that God hears us and cares enough to help us. “God knows all the answers to every question if man would only ask.” Bill Johnson from his book “Dreaming with God.”

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Pt. 5:7 (NIV)

I challenge you to tell God what is bothering you. See if, afterward, you don’t sense a loving warmth coming over you. Ask Him how to fix something or solve a problem that you are dealing with. Then, listen for Him to answer. He’s real, He’s alive, and He loves and cares so much about you and what you are going through.

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