God Wants to Set You Free From Secret Sins - Today Can Be Different

Do you have a trustworthy person or a small group of people with whom you can transparently share your struggles? Or is the thought of being accountable regarding your choices (especially your sinful behavior) way too intimidating?

When I first heard of the concept of accountability, I knew I needed it. Over time, it became one of God’s greatest tools for helping me break free of my destructive behavior.

But accountability only works when we’re transparent. If the thought of sharing some of your most shameful moments with someone terrifies you, maybe you can begin by letting your heavenly Father be your Someone.

One of the safest and most secure feelings I have about God is that He knows me. Completely.

I need this kind of security. I need Someone who knows me better than I know myself. Someone I can’t hide from.

Someone I can’t fool.

This is why Psalm 139:23 (ESV) is so reassuring:

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!

In the past, I lied to myself (and others) to conceal my eating disorder and other destructive habits. I played so many games that I didn’t know for sure who I really was. But God always knew the real me. And He always will. Even today, I continue to ask God to show me any hidden and deceitful areas and give me His grace to accept the guidance and correction I need.

  • Have you gotten so lost in your own lies that you need Someone to fully know the real you, too?
  • Do you want God to help you stop playing games and own up to your painful and sometimes sinful habits?
  • Are you willing to let Him reveal to you your defense mechanisms – the thought processes you use to hide or justify your behavior?

Your wise heavenly Father will gradually and lovingly reveal secret sins you’ve hidden from yourself and give you time to repent and heal before He discloses the next one. In time, He can even give you the courage to seek out a trusted mentor you can discuss your progress (or lack of progress) with and receive encouragement and prayer.

I can’t begin to imagine all God knows about me, good and bad. But I’m glad He knows it all. And He still loves me – extravagantly.

What about you?

I’d love to hear your thoughts about this post. (Your comment might also benefit others.)

  • Will you allow God to search your heart and transform it so you can live with less shame and regret?
  • Why not talk to Him right now?

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