Gossip is only Hearsay - Denise Pass

Shame RX: Gossip is Only Hearsay

So what if the shunning from yesterday was a result of gossip you find out about? And it really happened? Well, let’s be honest. We have all partaken at one time or another. This does not make it right, but maybe it gives us perspective.

Discovering gossip feels like betrayal. And it hurts when people are infecting other people’s judgement of us. But one thing about those who gossip and denigrate another person’s character—it makes them look bad. And the truth will eventually come out. 

Gossip is only hearsay. It is rarely accurate and usually intended to harm. When we disregard it, we choose the higher road. And eventually it dies out.

Proverbs 26:20 (ESV)

“For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.”

In the end, even if something negative about us isn’t true, surely there is something else that is. This humbles us to acknowledge our need of God and fills us with joy that gossip and slander can’t compare with what we really were, but now we are covered by the One who bore all of our sin and shame. Amen!


Need to get rid of shame in your life? Join the Shame Off You Bible Study starting March 4th. Mondays at 7pm ET.


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