Guys Valentine’s Day is Coming!!!

Posted by: Frank Walker LMFT | February 2, 2024

Guys Valentine’s Day is Coming!!!

Valentine’s Day is on us, and we must think fast. I am mostly talking to the guys here as you women seem to have this gift giving thing in the bag.

Guys have a tougher go of it because frankly we are guys.

It’s that left brain, hunter mentality of ours that gets us in trouble every time. So, guys start planning now, don’t wait until the last minute. You know what I’m talking about. Chocolates and flowers are old hat, think out of the box.

  • Even if your mate or girlfriend says it doesn’t matter, it really does.

So do something and do it now before you end up on February 13 empty handed and scavenging the stores for last-minute stuff.

  • Think of that woman you love and give a gift that comes from your heart.

Notice I am not giving suggestions here because your lady is yours and not mine. If you don’t know her wants, desires and dreams then that is the place to start and find out what they are.

Let your lady know that you “know” her, and you care for her. This gift or card or whatever you get her symbolizes your love for her and your desire to be the one who fulfills her dreams.

  • With a little time and effort on your part guys you can survive this Valentine’s Day and be in good favor with your lady, so get to it. 

Frank J Walker LMFT-retired

Frank is a retired marriage counselor living on the central coast.

Check out all his blogposts at

and check his YouTube channel

“A Marriage Minute”

@ Frank Walker LMFT


Frank has written several books that are available @

Frank is an artist with 31 years of teaching experience.

If you would like to see his art, check out his Instagram page @


Or his art website @

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