"Here I Am, Send Me!" — iWork4Him

Let me tell you a story of two young teenagers.

Forty years ago, their lives intersected at a youth conference in San Diego, Ca. After a week of talent competition and nightly rallies, the closing session was on Friday night July 13, 1979. The speaker challenged the teens to commit to full time Christian ministry for their lives. These 2 teens both made that commitment on the same night – declaring:

"Here I am, send me." Isaiah 6:8

Three years later these 2 teens, Jim and I, would finally meet each other, become best friends and get married. We both believed that our commitment in 1979 meant we were to be full-time pastors or missionaries. God kept us from attending seminary but we struggled with how we would fulfill our commitment while we worked our "secular" jobs.

Fast forward a few decades and we slowly started to understand that our work was our ministry and our mission field. What a liberating way to live! To know that God had gifted us as entrepreneurs to be missionaries right where we conducted business every day.

It's been 40 years since the day we committed ourselves to full time ministry, if only we understood that all 40 years we have been serving in ministry (at work). Now, Jim and I have the pleasure of helping our radio and podcast listeners understand what we really committed to 40 years ago – living in full time ministry every day. We don't live with regret, but we do live more intentionally – understanding that "our workplace is our mission field, and in that mission field we may be the only Jesus our co-workers and employees ever see."

I'm grateful to have been challenged as a teen to make a commitment, and hope that you too will commit to "Here I am, send me (to my workplace each day)". You might consider joining the iWork4Him Nation as a great first step towards this commitment.

Happy 40 years of ministry together!

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