Here's Why Christians Should Avoid the Teachings of Richard Rohr


Tracy grew up in the church, but when her identification as queer contradicted her Evangelical upbringing, she decided she no longer fit within that tradition. Through the teachings of Richard Rohr, she found a spiritual home with the practice of contemplative spirituality. Tracy’s experience mirrors that of many millennial ex-Evangelicals who have discovered a spiritual mentor and teacher in the Franciscan priest, author, and founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC), Richard Rohr.  

The CAC website describes Rohr as “a globally recognized ecumenical teacher bearing witness to the universal awakening within Christian mysticism and the Perennial Tradition.” Rohr’s teachings are gaining influence, especially among millennials who grew up in the Evangelical church. He is particularly influential in the progressive Christian movement and is referred to as a spiritual father, hero, and mentor by well-known progressive voices. He is endorsed by progressive leaders like Rob BellJen HatmakerWilliam Paul YoungMichael Gungor, and Brian McLaren, to name just a few. As Rohr gains popularity, it becomes increasingly more important for church leaders to be aware of his teachings and their widespread influence. In this article, I’ll take a look at Rohr’s view of the Bible, the cross, and the gospel. 

​Richard Rohr’s view of the Bible
Historically, Christians have believed that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God. Following Jesus’ own example, Christians have affirmed over the centuries that the Scriptures are internally coherent, without error, and infallible. However, Rohr holds a much different view of the Bible: 

The Jewish Scriptures, which are full of anecdotes of destiny, failure, sin and grace, offer almost no self-evident philosophical or theological conclusions that are always true. . . . We even have four, often conflicting versions of the life of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. There is no one clear theology of God, Jesus, or history presented, despite our attempt to pretend there is.

 Rohr interprets the Scriptures using what he calls the “Jesus Hermeneutic.” He writes

…The text moves inexorably toward inclusivity, mercy, unconditional love, and forgiveness. I call it the “Jesus Hermeneutic.” Just interpret Scripture the way Jesus did! He ignores, denies, or openly opposes his own Scriptures whenever they are imperialistic, punitive, exclusionary, or tribal. 

Contrary to what Rohr teaches, Jesus never ignored, denied, or openly opposed the Old Testament Scriptures. In fact, as I argue in this paper, Richard Rohr’s “Jesus Hermeneutic” not only fails to offer any legitimate Scriptural support, but taken as a whole, the biblical data gives us an entirely opposite view of how Jesus handled the Scriptures. The truth is Jesus never once declared or implied that the Scriptures were anything but fully truthful and to be obeyed. Jesus affirmed the Old Testament to be the inspired, authoritative, historically reliable, inerrant, infallible, imperishable Word of God—and that it was all about himself. 

​Richard Rohr’s view of the cross

Historically, Christians have believed Jesus died on the cross for our sins, taking our deserved punishment upon himself. This is not only affirmed in Scripture, and taught by Jesus himself, but it goes back to the earliest creed in Christianity, which pre-dates the New Testament by about twenty years. However, according to Rohr, the idea of a God who would require the blood sacrifice of his son is “problem-oriented.” Of the atonement, Rohr writes

I believe that Jesus’ death on the cross is a revelation of the infinite and participatory love of God, not some bloody payment required by God’s offended justice to rectify the problem of sin. Such a story line is way too small and problem-oriented.

According to Rohr, Jesus didn’t need to die on the cross. It’s your false self” that needs to die, not someone else. He refers to substitutionary atonement as a “strange idea” that leads to a “transactional” theology. Contrary to Rohr, Scripture teaches substitutionary atonement, Jesus affirmed it, along with early Christians

​Richard Rohr’s view of the gospel

Historically, the Christian gospel is the proclamation of the good news of salvation. This has been understood through the lens of God’s redemptive acts throughout history. It began with the creation of the universe and mankind. After sin was introduced into the world by the rebellion of Adam and Eve, God provided a means of redemption and reconciliation through the atoning work of Jesus on the cross. Those who accept this provision of salvation will be given eternal life with God. But for those who reject this gift of grace, the Bible describes their eternal punishment separated from God's love and goodness.   

However, according to Rohr, the idea of a God who “doles out punishment” is unhealthy, cheap, and toxic. He does believe Jesus died, was buried, and was resurrected. However, he separates Jesus and Christ into two separate entities, with Jesus being nothing more than a “model and exemplar” of the human and divine united in one human body. And in Rohr’s view, Christ is a cosmic reality that is found “whenever the material and the divine co-exist—which is always and everywhere.” He implicitly denies the deity of Jesus. He writes: “We spent a great deal of time worshiping the messenger and trying to get other people to do the same. . . . [Jesus] did ask us several times to follow him, and never once to worship him.” This “Cosmic Christ” is a New Age idea that Rohr is promoting as “Christian.” 
Rohr also believes all religions share the same core truth and are all paths to truth (perennialism). He openly affirms panentheism
, a view of the nature of God that teaches God is in all, all is in God, but God also transcends the world. This carries troubling implications for his view of the Trinity and the nature of Christ. He said: "The Universe is the body of God….yes, it’s the second person of the Trinity in material form." 

He denies original sin, the atonement, the exclusivity of Christianity, and he has an unorthodox understanding of heaven and hell, and the literal second coming of Christ. Rohr's views stand in stark contrast to the historic Christian view of the gospel. 
Through his books and his highly popular teachings on the Enneagram, Richard Rohr is rapidly gaining influence in the Christian church. But church leaders would do well to be aware of what Rohr actually teaches about the Bible, the cross, and the gospel. Faithful Christians should avoid his teachings at all costs. 

Thanks so much Lisa for this concise "introduction" to Rohr. After dealing with some of the other names of people influenced by him (with a dismissed staff person) this article gives me the shivers to know of this man's influence. Instead of leading people to the True Savior, he is leading them to a false one which surely lead them astray and keep them lost. Your book is a phenomenal read and it is my recommendation for 2020 Book of the Year. (I was right about Rebecca's book in 2019). I have loaned my copy to someone and just now bought them their own copy. Thanks for your honesty in writing about your struggle.

Stella Golden

2/11/2021 06:51:31 pm

It such a shame Alisa that Western Christianity cannot appreciate the evolution taking place. We have lost so many many young people because WC cannot keep up with what is happening in our world. It has not always been that these are our beliefs and if you don’t believe them, then you are not a Christian! It would be nice if it were just that simple! Believe this and now you are a Christian. Nothing is that simple and in attending to control or confined the human spirit, we lose sight of who this God of creation truly is! And please don’t tell me that thus God is going to punish me for thinking this way! He is so much bigger than any way we try to explain Him and Thank God for that💜

Roy White

2/13/2021 09:06:12 pm

Respectfully Stella, what about Jesus and the words from the inspired writers has changed? What do you mean "Western Christianity"? Is there an "Eastern Christianity"?
Hermeneutics requires us to read interpret the Bible based upon what the authors were trying to say, not what the verses say to me. My lens, as is all sinners/persons, is pretty cloudy and tends to bend God's word to fit our the "times" we live in. That appears to be the Christianity you prefer. I'm glad to Alicia and a growing number of new Christian apologists are speaking the truth, even if it doesn't conform to current culture. Bless you and family as we all pursue the truth through Jesus Christ's eyes and not our own.


5/21/2021 03:17:57 pm

Stella…you're wrong. What Alisa pointed out is true. The thing about Alisa is by God's grace, she has wisdom and discernment. I sense you lack both wisdom and discernment which is why folks such as yourself fall for such fallacy from Richard Rohr. The reason Richard Rohr is so popular because he preaches a Jesus of his own imagination. If Richard stood on Jesus is the way the truth and he died for our sins (John 14:6 & John 2:2) which He is there is no way he would be this popular; or let along on Oprah. Any person filled with the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:24) knows Oprah in her current state is all about an "aha" moment. A guy like Richard Rohr is full of those deceptive "aha" moments. Stella…please examine yourself to see if you're of the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5) based on your fruits you're either someone who think you're a Christian, a new Believer or lack of wisdom of discernment. Because a growing Christian with wisdom and discernment will automatically discernment the falsehood of Richard Rohr. However, mouth professing Christians will never pick these things up. Again, Stella examine yourself to see if you're of the faith. Because Alisa is not the enemy hear she is the doing God's work by pointing out falsehood. Thanks Alisa for your article.

Dennis Vacante

6/30/2021 09:39:24 pm

Right on, Stella. What many "conservative" Christians forget is that the heart of the Gospel is love. Their notion of a God who punishes everyone who does not believe as they do leaves the Gospel as something less than good news.

Dennis Vacante

7/7/2021 11:59:23 am

Stella, I'm so glad that you appreciate Fr. Rohr's insights. Sometimes people tend to cling to traditions that are not reflective of the truth revealed in the Bible. It doesn't take a whole lot of reflection to see past traditions and church teachings evolve as God's continuous revelation enlightens the church. You are so right in stating that God is so much bigger than any way we try to explain him. Look at how, at one time, it was heresy to believe the planets revolved around the sun. Today we take that for granted. But there were many who were labeled heretical, such as Galileo, who was imprisoned because of that belief. We now can ponder the infinite wonder of God's creation through the Hubble telescope. How great is our God!


7/25/2021 12:33:30 am

Stella, the caveat to being “saved” is simple, “believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord.” That’s it. In regards to living a certain way, Christ says, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments,” which were summarized in, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul. And the second is similar, love your neighbor as yourself.” If you are to follow those commandments, the first summarizing the first 5 of the 10 commandments and the second the latter 5, then you’d strive to live a life that abstains from sin, repent when you choose it, and keep pressing toward God. This is the beauty of the relationship. If you truly love someone you work toward supporting, complimenting, and giving to their betterment, rather than the selfishness that many people look for in relationships, “what do I gain from this?”
Rohr’s theology, if we can even call it that, sounds much more like the words of the serpent in the garden that put doubt of God’s word and provision into the mind of Adam and Eve.
Dennis, that whole idea of “God punishes those who don’t believe,” is accurate. No loving Father is without a just side that firmly rights the wrongs of his children. This is the same for God. However, what you speak of is largely a doctrine of the Gospel of hell, not the Gospel of Christ. If you read the Bible, you’d notice that the Gospel in a nutshell is in John 3:16, where it says “whosever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” The punishment is death, not everlasting torment as many people believe, that comes from Dante’s Inferno, not the Bible. Yes, Hell has an eternal flame that destroys, but that does not mean humans who choose to not follow God will not be in torment for all eternity. They will just die. That is just.
Besides, why in the hell, figuratively, would someone want to spend eternity with someone they don’t want anything to do with in their temporal life on earth? I don’t see anything just or loving for God to say, “Hi you hated me for 80 years and now you get spend eternity worshiping me.”
Ergo, the death one will face seems less of a “punishment,” for being bad or not choosing God and more of a cause and effect of ones will.
This is also why Christ speaks of taking up our cross, and why Paul emphasizes Christ’s words of, “dying to ourself.” Humans will go to great lengths to justify our humanity in the face of God’s holiness, which is literally separated by sin, “falling short, missing the mark.” And that’s why Christ’s death was required for our salivation, nothing we can do can bridge the gap because even our best effort can only rise as high as humanity, which can never reach the realm of God’s holiness.
Rohr sounds a lot like the serpent, because his thinking comes directly out of doubt and leads people to doubt the Word of God as well as God’s character, nature, and person.


9/28/2021 05:11:17 pm

Sandy, God doesn't punish. We punish ourselves. He may correct and chastise, but if you are one of His children – i.e. believers in his Son – you will not have his wrath. As for those who depart from God by non or misbeliefs, you do that to yourself, God doesn't do it to you. Being apart from God is basically hell but of course your wolf, Richard Rohr, won't have you believe in that, either, much to your own demise.


9/29/2021 12:36:41 pm

Sorry I dont understand if you also believe in Rohr's statements.
When we read the Bible, we must read it as a whole, study context, be guided in prayer and the Holy Spirit. It seems to me alot of Christians might be doing alot of "if this fits in what I believe, I'll take it". Rohr seems to be doing the same thing. In reality, if a person does this they are only nominal christians. When you try to mold scripture and God to who you think He should be instead of forming a relationship with Him so you glorify Him, that is disobedience and rebellion at the same time. You must always guard yourself against principalities and take captive every thought.

Christianity isnt made to be progressive. The first generation Christians knew the truth about God and Jesus sacrifice on the cross and ressurection that they were willing to die a martyr. They did not compromise, then why do we? Because we offend the youth with the truth? God calls us to be gentle in rebuke not to twist the truth so that we appear more inclusive. This is kinda scary and very lukewarm side of Christianity.


2/13/2021 02:49:15 pm

Oh My goodess! Such umbridge over standard Franciscan theology. Franciscan theology developed more or less in parallel with the atonement theology of Aquinas. but you show your ignorance of church history if you think that Rohr has invented this. Franciscan theology has been accepted as a parallel and legitimate understanding of the meaning of the Cross. Rohr and Franciscan's in general are in good standing with Roman Church authorities. Please don't let yourself be so intolerant of the diversity which God obviously loves very much.


2/15/2021 02:15:59 pm

Spot on Ken! Amen

Keith Williams

5/8/2021 01:19:31 am

Stella and Ken, it was so refreshing to read your comments and to observe other Christians are realising the anthropomorphic characteristics we have conferred on God. We have, over centuries, accepted this reduction of an all encompassing and loving deity to a paranoid and narcissistic and oh so very human entity.

Alisa, you are clinging to an iron age version of the divine which is far removed from divinity and an all encompassing and loving God, in the name of what you perceive as an accurate translation of ancient writings.

Fundamental Christianity, like fundamental Islam, seeks to bind us to the faith, not because of what is in our hearts, but that we fear and dread the vengeance of a jealous God.

This makes hypocrites of us all and extinguishes all hope of developing a loving and Christ like heart. It also reduces God to an entity at the mercy of his most negative emotions.


5/21/2021 03:51:30 pm

Ken..Richard Rohr is a fraud. He does not stand with God. Ken, what faith are you of? How can you still believe Richard Rohr is legit after reading the believes of Richard Rohr? Do you not know God is not the god of confusion? Richard Rohr is saying the word of God is not to be taken serious. How can you still think he's legit after reading his exact words?

Gil Costello

10/19/2021 05:20:54 pm

I've never encountered a sanctioned form of Franciscan theology that rejects the Church's understanding of the Atonement (Jesus dying for our sins) and Original Sin, a Matrix of Sin down through the centuries that every soul is connected with unless removed from it by God's grace. Rohr, with Matthew Fox, decided to turn it into a blessing instead, an "at one with" in Rohr's understanding, and he's not talking about being one with "the horror the horror", no longer needing a confessional life).

I always recommended to those attracted to Franciscan theology to watch the film by Liliana Cavani, Francesco. An excellent place to start.

Jean Govenor

11/18/2021 06:20:09 pm

Dear Ken

I am so glad that you can speak on behalf of God.
To the people that have talked about loving everyone..I agree but I also remember that the greatest commandment is to love your God.
We will all stand before God.
Every word out of our mouths are recorded.
Lest our pride and knowledge that puffs us leads us to cause other's to stray.
This gentleman Rohr seems to have much knowledge and many followers and seems popular.
It's our choice who we follow.
If we are not following Jesus..The Word..and not being counselled by The Holy Spirit then we will disagree. One Body One Spirit.
God bless you all. Jesus died for everyone. May we never depart from The Way in Jesus name Amen


1/6/2022 11:29:07 am

Thank goodness for sanity. Personally I love Richard Rohr’s teachings & they have brought me closer to God. They are all about love, inclusivity, leaving judgement to God & honouring the fact that we are all made in the likeness of God & are all children of God. Only He knows our hearts & scripture shows how consistently He continued to work with flawed human beings & still does today. We cannot ever understand the mystery that is God & to try in an intellectual way to pin God down & make rules about who He will allow to live & who to die is presumptuous & arrogant. We can however, grow in conscious contact with God through our hearts, which is the way of the mystic & when you follow this path God reveals Himself a little more & a little more. Then we find that Christ exists within us all. I don’t understand this but I know it to be true, which is why when I help someone I am helping Jesus. He said this Himself & He did not show much approval for Law & rules. He challenged these throughout His ministry & associated Himself with the poor, the outcasts, the sinners & those on the margins of society.

Lewis Schofield

1/30/2022 12:50:31 pm

Look at Rohr's fruit.
It is good!

Ian Huntington

5/25/2021 05:04:07 pm

I was raised an Evangelical fundamentalist believing the teachings to the point that after college, I attended a conservative evangelical seminary. It was during my second year in seminary studies that my belief in biblical inspiration changed. With that change, the whole evangelical house of cards collapsed, original sin, the illogical blood atonement, belief in Satan and the concept of hell, all, I clearly saw as feeble, fallible concoctions built on questionable interpretation and conjecture. The seminary expelled me as I am certain you would support.

Father Rohr teaches love, Christian mysticism, inclusion and a sensible method of biblical interpretation that requires a more challenging faith than you rigid conservative, fundamentalists can even begin to fathom. I know the fundamentalist, evangelical mind and I am so thankful to God that I got out. The employee you let go, is much better off than you.

Dennis Vacante

6/8/2021 09:45:23 pm

Ian, I agree with everything you wrote. I think that dualistic thinking is what causes us to fall into the very thing that Jesus spoke most harshly against…and that is judging others! I find it interesting that in almost all of the accusations people have made against Fr. Rohr, very few, if any, were willing to pray for insight or pray for Fr. Rohr. All that they do is throw accusations and judgements against a man who is a dedicated Franciscan priest with years of studying sacred scripture and with additional insights in human psychology. When I listen to Fr. Rohr I find his teachings very challenging. His call is similar to that of Jesus. Open your heart. You may find it challenging but it will help you grow in your understanding and love of God and others. Perhaps that is why he is attacked. It is easier to attack him than to look into our own hearts and grow.

Patricia Bell

10/18/2021 11:37:09 pm

Which book are you referring to?

Wowwww! THANK YOU for explaining what Richard Rohr believes and teaches. I've hears a couple of Christian friends mention his name – and they also have read Madame Guyon's old books on contemplative prayer. Do you know about her?

This is actually a very simplified explanation of what Rohr Believes and I don't think it does it justice. I would recommend listening or reading a little more before dismissing entirely.

Alejandro De Miranda

4/30/2021 09:52:00 am

If you want to know what Richard Rohr believes, listen to him or read his books and decide for yourself instead of just accepting someone else's opinion.

Roberta Hubbard

11/8/2021 09:37:12 am

I LOVE Richard Rohrs books and writings. Always have and always will.

Thank for for this, Alisa, and all the work you do with Progressive Christianity. This article is a great resource I will use often!


11/24/2020 09:24:37 am

Very well thought out, pointed analysis. We need to keep calling these heresies out as they continue to come along and lead people away from the Lord.

I think with time you will look again at the principles of what he is saying. When you look deeply at the so called origin of sin for example, you will find it does not make sense. How do we go from being perfect to committing sin. Where did the sin come from? When you get to understand this more, it blows your mind and shows you who Jesus really is and also who you are. At that point you will no longer be a slave to sin but KNOW you ARE God's Child, you always were: you just didn't know it! Peace X


1/28/2021 03:42:08 pm

Human beings were never "perfect" but created in the image of God, meaning that we were to reflect His character traits—love, kindness, humility, generosity, self control, patience, etc., We were always given the free will to choose. In the garden, Adam and Eve chose to listen the authority of another entity over that of the Lord. They listened to that creature's twisting of God's words, his lies of promises of forbidden knowledge, and turned their backs on God's authority.
Nowhere in Scripture does it pronounce the first humans, or any humans for that matter, as perfect because that was never the plan. God created humans to be His family not robots that were programmed to do exactly what He wanted us to do. How lonely would that be? He wanted relationships with us, interaction, conversation. He knew we would mess up because He knows everything but like any good parent, He loves us, watches over us and cares for us. He never leaves us no matter what we may do, no matter how often we choose to sin. We sin every day but He blesses us abundantly every day because of His profound love!
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! Only through Him can we come to the Father! Amen

Keith Williams

5/8/2021 01:45:43 am

Early, I could not agree more. If God created Adam and Eve as perfect beings, how could they have fallen at the first hurdle? Perfect beings would always make perfect choices.

How is it sinful for an entity, born with curiosity, to seek knowledge? And did not God know this in advance? Free will is never free if it is conditional, so that argument, to my mind, can never be applied.

If the creation story is to be believed, then God created us with fault and commanded us to rectify the (his) fault. We take away from this story that there was no 'original sin' to forgive and the judgment of death on humanity was never justified.

Peter Snyder

11/24/2020 09:34:11 am

Thanks for the summary. While spiritually a disaster, the intellectual dishonesty of Rohr and others is also very frustrating, as is their desire to still be known as Christian. If they are so convinced that what they teach is true, they should just be honest and let it be known that they have a new religion that claims a false Christ. But Satan is too crafty to allow them to do this.
Again, I appreciate your commitment to pointing out the dangers of such false prophets and their teachings and your commitment to the gospel. I have your book and can't believe I haven't read it yet. I will soon.
Blessings in Jesus.

Julie Anderson

4/29/2021 10:31:49 am

I really have to laugh when someone disagrees with something, they throw in the word satan. If your religion is full of fear and judgement, and fights to keep our patriarchal society, then you might want to reevaluate.

Ross Caruso

5/31/2021 09:15:45 am

I will pray for you Julie. You are missing the point big time. I am so sorry to say that. I hope and pray the Holy Spirit shows you that yes Satan is very real and that is exactly why Jesus died on a cross so that we would not have to be in a state of hell. God the Father does not send us to hell, we do it to ourselves by not accepting His love. I have my own pride and rebellion, yes. I will continue to submit and obey our might Lord Jesus Christ.
Disagreement is good and ok and even healthy, but when someone so clearly and cleverly twists the Gospels then there is a deep deep concern, and TRUE followers of Christ must speak out….

Keith Williams p

5/8/2021 02:08:40 am

Amelia, how could God have conferred His character traits of love, kindness, humility, generosity, self control, patience, etc, as you describe them, and then abandon both 'self control ' and 'patience' at the first hurdle?

This makes no sense and would relegate us to blindly obedient robots. Is this the sort of relationship God desires to have with us? You seem to think not, and then you contradict yourself.


5/21/2021 03:59:02 pm

@keith Williams….the moment you added Christianity next to islam, I knew your comments is coming from someone without a relationship with Christ (God). Your problem is you're equating God in the way you view humans. What is your faith, if you don't mind me asking? What is your purpose on this forum?

Keith Williams

5/25/2021 10:47:24 am

It is this narrow interpretation of Christianity that is 'equating God' in the way humans are viewed.

God is humble, yet he commands man to worship only Him and to have no other gods.

God is patient, yet he immediately punishes Adam and Eve for an action they were created to carry out. He then further illustrates this 'patience' by wiping away all but a tiny part of humanity because he is dissatisfied with his own creation.

God is loving, yet his love is conditional on pain of death.

Fundamentalists seem to be a deeply unhappy lot who cannot wait till 'the end of times,' when they can leave this beautiful planet for something better. There is always something better and, when you finally reach your heaven, you will wish for something better again.

My faith and my purpose on this forum is my own affair and certainly not one I have to or wish to discuss with you.

Ross V Caruso

5/31/2021 09:26:44 am

I will pray for you Keith. I understand where you are coming from. Put simply God is all those things Patient, Kind, Loving and SO much more. He is our Father and creator. I would say ask for the Holy Spirit to help you to truly surrender and trust. That's where you will find His Love. Remember we are man and He is God. He can do whatever He wants because He is all Just and merciful.

Thank you again, Alisa, for a powerful post. You have been selected for a time such as this to bring awareness to the Progressive Christianity movement, among other false teachings. Thank you. I would love to send you my new Bible study on Revelation. If you would message me your address, I would LOVE to do that. Here's the link to it, but I would love to send you a complimentary copy. You've blessed me so much with your teaching, I would love to bless you….

Doug smith

11/24/2020 11:00:50 am

Excellent. God is using Alisa to expose Progressive Christianity as not Christianity at all. It is in the same family as LDS or JW. It uses similar Christian words but redefines them .

Ross V Caruso

5/31/2021 09:19:05 am

Yes I fully agree. I realize apologetics is not for me. I get way toooo angry. Thank yiu Alisa for speaking the TRUTH about Christ and the sacrifice He had made for us through His Son Jesus Christ.
God Bless

Ian Huntington

7/7/2021 05:30:50 pm

Doug Smith, “God is using Alisa to expose Progressive Christianity as not Christianity at all.” Really? Undoubtedly, you and your sympathizers believe that your particular biblical interpretation and theology is the only true one. Perhaps it was directly revealed by God to the early Christians and you are the fortunate heir of this narrowly known truth?
How shamefully ignorant of real, honest Christian history! How self righteously arrogant!
It is a good thing that God Is merciful to all of us, those of us who are progressive in belief as well as those who are blinded by their smug theological certainty.

David Hernandez

11/24/2020 10:18:58 am

Thank you for your email. Very timely. I feel like a giant wave is approaching the church. Thank God we will prevail in the power of the Holy Spirit. Marcia Montenegro's book on the Enneagram has 2 chapters devoted to RRohr.

Tim Williams

7/8/2021 02:07:38 pm

@Ian Huntington, Jesus said the way to the Father is narrow (Matthew 7:14). Yes, God is merciful, but we must repent of our sins, or we will experience the wrath of God. Ian, you mentioned you are a progressive believer? That is an oxymoron, to be honest. Do you even know what progressive means? Let me school you on the meaning of progressive. A Progressive is a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas. New? Is God not the same God yesterday, today, and forever? (Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6). Now let us take a look at the meaning of liberal, shall we? A liberal is willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas or a supporter of policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare.

The form of Christianity you and many lost souls have concocted in our society is the “gay Christians,” or as Oprah once said, “free-thinking Christian.” This form of so-called believers is the kind of folks who will not experience persecution because of the "Christians" faith, unlike true Christians. Now is it possible for true Christians to be progressive at one time in life? Yes, but eventually, Christ will change (2 Corinthians 5:17) that individual's heart. True Christians grow, false so-called Christians do not; they progress as society changes because it is God’s way of showing these folks were never saved. So Ian Huntington checks to see if you are of the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). Genuine Christians are not progressive this is not in our DNA. Submit your life to Christ and ask for the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to you and ask for wisdom and discernment. The Holy Spirit will reveal what Alisa and the other true Christians on here have been trying to convey to you. No one is here to bash Mr. Rohr. We are simply warning people of the false teachings of this gentleman. The Bible said we are to warn as an expression of love. Mr. Rohr is not the type of person that is willing to call folks to repentance because it is not the way of our current society. You progressive folks should know this. By the way, the more progressive our society becomes, the closest we are heading towards the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37-39). Progressive as in men can be women, women can be men, truths are now hateful, hate is now truth, children are to be taught critical race theory, Darwinism something came from nothing or somehow God used evolution, social justice, my body, my choice except for the covid shots, homosexual marriage, one world order, open border, etc. These are some of the beliefs of the progressive crowd. True Christians know none of these beliefs glorifies God. Ian, I understand that there is probably nothing I or anyone on here could tell you to change your mind. All I would like to say is your progressive beliefs do not align with God. But it does align with the devil himself. Progressive believes is one of the causes of Christian prosecution in this country. Just keep that in mind because it is an oxymoron to call yourself a progressive Christian. I will pray for you. My fellow Christians, please pray for Ian Huntington and others alike.

Ian Huntington

7/12/2021 10:03:46 am

Tim Williams, thank you for asking people to pray for me and others like me. I appreciate that even though it is a backhanded way of putting my beliefs down.
I was raised as a fundamentalist evangelical conservative. As a young man I attended an evangelical seminary after my University degree. I had intended to devote my life to God’s service and go into the ministry. Despite my fundamentalist seminary education it gradually became evident to me that the entire theological structure was based on the faulty supposition of scriptural inerrancy.
This realization did not in anyway diminish my belief in God. I had developed a relationship with God that surpassed mere theology. I have an innate desire for truth about God which is not afraid of questions, doubts, uncertainty or ambiguity.
I left evangelical Christianity at age 28. I am very glad to be done with it. I chose to become Episcopalian where I am free to study higher biblical criticism, Christian mysticism, Buddhism and to struggle with my own understanding of God, Christ, salvation. I base my belief on my understanding of scripture, my own spiritual experience and mystical understanding and on the historical Christian tradition, given an advanced degree in church history. My belief in God, Christ and salvation is not based on any absolute authority coming from outside myself. My beliefs come from God within me. I don’t claim to have all the answers, I don’t need them. I only know that God loves and blesses and that God is all in all. I am 70 years old and all I really know is that God isn’t finished with me yet. I am happy and I love God from my inside out. I am attracted to Father Rohr’s teaching. I am not certain I agree with everything but that isn’t important. Theology is not important to God or salvation but there is so much more to God’s kingdom. Rohr’s teachings are not fake, they are not heretical, they come from a mystical knowing which is God within. “Now we see through the glass darkly”.
Again, thank you for your request to pray for me, I welcome God’s continuing attention, it a wonderful thing and stirs my soul.
I pray that you will be delivered from the error of fundamentalist, evangelical understandings of reality. However, if that doesn’t happen in this lifetime, I wish you the joy of God’s presence. That is what really matters. 👍🏻

Keith Williams

7/17/2021 01:44:33 pm

So Tim, you're a millennial? 21 years of age or younger, and you would school a man of 70!! As a man approaching his 78th birthday, I am astounded by your arrogance.

Sonny, you're still very wet behind the ears and in need of one hell of a lot more life experience before you can make those kinds of judgment calls on a person's beliefs. Take your nose out of the Old Testament and see the world for what it really is. Goodness knows who's been feeding you this sanctimonious rubbish, they have a lot to answer for.

Go and get a real education before joining the rest of us at the grown-ups table.


11/24/2020 10:40:10 am

Thank you for exposing yet another false teacher. I just read Another Gospel and am sharing it with a friend as well. I wondered where the "emergent" church had gone…oh, now they are "progressive!" Keep speaking truth! God bless!


11/24/2020 01:47:50 pm

I'm so thankful you are writing about this and shedding the truth and light. I got swept up in the enneagram and have since repented of my time spent in something that is rooted in the occult. I have some good friends that deconstructed their faith and turned to Richard Rohr. Thankful for you speaking and sharing God's truth!

Jane Gruber

11/24/2020 03:02:49 pm

Thank you for this information, Alisa! Very well written and as always, based on the Truth. I appreciate you sharing your studies with us.

Steve Muse

11/24/2020 03:50:57 pm

Thank you for writing this article. Rohr is one of many over the years that continue to bring the same message and so many Christians open the door letting the lion in to be devoured. The names are endless that the Church has embraced over the years to their detriment.

John Noack

11/24/2020 09:54:37 pm

It appears that Evangelicals, who like to claim that every propositional statement in the Bible is inerrant and that all of the actions and conduct in the Bible are infallible, have turned a blind eye to three biblical texts. Psalm 96:10 informs us, as it did the Reformers, who were using it to oppose the cosmic helio-centric view of Copernicus, that “the Earth is firmly stablished; it cannot be moved”. However, we now reject this statement on scientific grounds, as being false and we accept that the Earth both rotates daily around its axis and it revolves annually around the sun.
Exodus 17:14 and Numbers 31:7 inform us that the Hebrews’ Deity decreed that all of the Amalekites and the Midianites, including mothers and children, must be slaughtered and these races annihilated. Only the young girls, whom the Hebrew males were allowed to keep for themselves, were spared from the slaughter. There was no Christian-inspired “loving your enemies” here.
Since we now know that the Earth does in fact move annually around the sun and that racial genocide is now universally condemned, Evangelicals need to be much more honest and truthful about their claims that there are no erroneous or false statements and no fallible or immoral actions recorded in the Bible. So far as I have read, such essential honesty and truthfulness about the Bible has not emerged so far in any Evangelical Writings. No wonder the Millennials are deserting this ship, in their search for honesty and truthfulness.

PJ Trimble

12/1/2020 09:47:16 pm

I was thinking about this comment when I was purchasing small birds for my sacrificial blood offering at my church, which certainly SEEMS positioned in the center of my world.

Keith Williams

6/30/2021 02:20:35 pm

Small birds are no good PJ. In fact, the very use of them is an abomination upon the face of the earth. I recommend the well-tried and tested black and white Cockrell.

I just happen to sell them for $3,000 dollars each. Buy two and the discounted price is $6,500.

Wayne Ballinger

1/12/2021 10:02:40 pm

The Evangelicals have created their own demise. I know my brokenness and their god is far too small for me. As the son of a Church of Christ pastor (retired) , I will introduce legislation throughout the U.S. in 2021 ELIMINATING the tax deduction (501 C3) for ALL churches based upon their 'Hate' speach (according to the culture).
Let's see how many folks return the Sunday after they can't write off their tithe anymore!
True 'Separation of Church and State' is coming rapidly and THEN we'll see how right, true, strong, your American god is !!!!!

Rachel Shallenberger

2/12/2021 09:36:52 am

Go for it. Tax exemption is not why we give or do anything. You're a "puny human" (to quote Hulk). God is your Creator. Do what you want. I hope you see the truth before it's too late, though! And He's not an "American" God, he's the God of the entire world.

And the Psalm verse is totally taken out of context.
Say among the nations, “The Lord reigns.”
The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved;
he will judge the peoples with equity.

And yes- those people groups had to be killed because they would cause the Israelites to fall away from God. (these things happened a lot.) It's not "error". Things were just different back then before Christ came and hung in our place. That's all.

Keith Williams

5/8/2021 02:23:00 am

John, you are a breath of well needed fresh air. This monumental denial of the unloving nature and savagery of many accounts in the Old Testament is mind boggling!

Does the earth really go around the sun?!! No one tells me anything!

Keith Williams

7/12/2021 01:48:42 am

John Noack
God's morality differs from ours and so, apparently, does his knowledge of scientific truth. This would have us believe there exists no 'absolute' morality but an arbitrary one that God turns to on a whim. The fallacies you cite will have no impact on the fixed credo of the 'true' Christian, nor will any other glaring inconsistency found in the 'true' scriptures. Sequential logic has no place in the mind of the 'true' believer. These obvious contradictions have undoubtedly a very good explanation. Just don't expect to hear it from Alisa.

I looked into Rohr's teachings, too. It's intensely disturbing that anyone would promote him as Christian. Almost like saying Carlos Castanada wrote from a Christian worldview…


11/25/2020 03:45:45 pm

You piqued my interest in the opening paragraphs and had me locked in by the end. I've only read some of Rohr's work and listened to several years of homilies but I will definitely seek out more. I hope you will as well in an effort to see past your narrow view of God and the scriptures. There is so much more there that you seem afraid to see.

Embrace the work of Rohr, Rob Bell, Thomas Oord and everyone else you mark as dangerous. Their work is bringing people to faith and an understanding of Jesus. Your work however, I feel is doing quite the opposite. People that are singing your praises for your teachings are people who are looking for you to confirm what they already believe.

You are not opening minds and hearts with this work…you're slamming doors in the faces of people who are seeking an understanding of who Jesus really was and is.

Dean Love

12/4/2020 09:41:22 am

Mike Your claim that those who praise Alisa because she confirms what they already believe, misses a crucial point. What they already believe is what the Scriptures actually teach about Jesus and what He in turn taught about Himself, eternal life and damnation, etc. Alisa simply confirms what the Scriptures teach, which if language means anything, is pretty clear.

On the other hand, those who follow Rohr, do so I believe, because he confirms what they actually WANT to believe. They prefer to believe that God doesn't hold people eternally accountable for their sins and that Jesus was more of an example of how we should live, rather than the Saviour of all who believe and Judge of all who refuse. They prefer Rohr's new religion over the one founded on the teachings of Jesus and his apostles. For them, it's all about what they like, not what is real.


4/30/2021 09:29:25 pm

Amen, brother!

Keith Williams

6/30/2021 02:05:11 pm

Well said Mike. I agree that the hell and damnation brigade should be relegated to mythological history. However, within the U.S. bible belt, I'm sure this type of literal thinking will linger on for a few more decades.

Brian Shaw

11/26/2020 09:40:12 am

Richard Rohr is a heretic! The 2nd century heretics taught that Jesus and Christ were different persons. Irenaeus taught this in Against Heresies, Book 3, Chapters 16-18.

Stephanie Dennis

11/27/2020 11:03:06 am

Thank you thank for revealing these false teachings that have been around since the beginning and have been condemned as heresy in the early church. The progressive “Christians” question over and over again why the church is losing young people and older people alike and it is not because we hold to the Truth of the Gospel but because of false teachers leading people astray. I am thankful for your voice and your new book.

Brian Shaw

11/27/2020 06:16:48 pm

Thank you! It is not my book, nor is it new – written in the 2nd century A.D.


11/30/2020 12:37:47 pm

I love Richard Rohr's teaching….wish I had known of him 40 years ago!

PJ Trimble

12/1/2020 09:39:10 pm

Amen to that !
I have long been aware that understanding science and the trajectory of humanity are not part of the fortress mentality (presented here as apologetics) that encourages us continue to condemn others. It's sad to see this "return to barbarism" advocated as Godly (Christian or Otherwise). Action and Contemplation might be a solution.

Ian Huntington

7/14/2021 10:03:11 am

Wade I too wish I had been introduced to the Christian understandings of Father Rohr as a young man instead of the narrow, judge-mental, sin preoccupied, blood sacrifice theory demanding, evangelical understanding. I loved God as a young man and wanted to serve him. I tried hard to accept my evangelical teachings but just couldn’t accept it’s glaring contradictions and theological deficiencies. As a young man in seminary I repeatedly begged God to change me into what I thought I should be. I would prostrate myself on the chapel floor after everyone else had safely left. One night, while lying on the floor in supplication, God spoke to me saying,”Get up, there is nothing to change! My love is sufficient for you! Go!”
Had I known then, the teachings of Christ as taught by Father Rohr, I would still be in the church as a vocation, albeit, a different denomination. It would have saved me years of anguish, self doubt and being ostracized by my family and the church that had been my life. That night was 40 years ago, it was a moment of God’s saving grace in my life.
Rohr’s understanding of the gospel is not easy but it has been like a long intake of fresh, clean air.

Alisa, thank you for this post and the defense of the faith in Christ alone.
Some of these comments are heart breaking but not unexpected. Only the Holy Spirit can transform a heart and that is by hearing the Word of God, which many many false teachers are rejecting and twisting the Word of God.

To the critics here, please Romans Ch 1-3. The entire world is under God's just condemnation and Jesus did provide the only way of salvation, he was our substitute.

This is good news because it addresses the truth, the bad news of our sin. If your gospel doesn't also contain the bad news, if it only pleases you, then it is probably not the gospel that saves.
Love you all in the Lord and keep seeking the Lord.

Garry Turner

12/2/2020 06:52:28 am

Thanks for all your work in this area, Alisa. It is much appreciated.


12/14/2020 01:17:35 pm

Hi Alisa,

I enjoyed this blog, your YouTube channel, and your book, which I already read. Thanks for the great contexts and subjects. I am pretty sure I will have many questions for you soon.  😁

Shared via Shareaholic 

stephen argent

12/15/2020 09:53:30 am

thank you for this review of Richard Rohr and his teaching, After reading your response I am drawn towards his perspective even more.


4/25/2021 06:45:38 am



4/28/2021 06:58:21 pm

Same for me Stephen.

Kathy Hoppe

12/21/2020 03:29:13 pm

I respectfully disagree with your analysis which is not based on fact, theological education, or a personal conversation with Richard Rohr. Many of your own summations about Christian theology represent only a part of Christianity. My husband & I have personally met Richard. The first thing one discerns is the presence of the Holy Spirit. I think to critique a theologian one should be more educated and check one’s facts.


2/15/2021 02:29:05 pm

Amen spot on! Seems like in a lot of the comments people don't understand Catholic history or the work of the Franciscans over the last 800 years.


4/13/2021 03:49:18 pm

Have you met Alisa? I think to critique her one should be more educated, check one's facts, and have had a personal conversation with her. That seems to be the golden standard before someone is allowed to publish their own opinion.

What are your rules for commenting on someone else's post by the way? Moreover, what about commenting on someone's comment?

Dean Love

12/21/2020 04:45:28 pm

Kathy; Alisa's "summation" of Christianity was narrowly focused on addressing the areas where some of Richard Rohr's teachings directly contradicted what Jesus said about Himself, eternal life, salvation, the OT scriptures, etc. In my opinion, she demonstrated a full knowledge of the facts related to those subjects and how Mr. Rohr's beliefs deviate from those facts.


1/9/2021 02:40:37 am

I send you love and light so your false, narrow believes may crumble and you may open your heart and mind to the Truth.
And thanks God for teachers like Richard Rohr and others who will help this sick institution that church became to fall apart.
I hope all of you blindly following scriptures will one day wake up to the living reality of Christ Consciousness.

Hi Agnieszka
The world is following the rainbow New Age which is antichrist and it has a new messiah too soon to make his debut. The New Age says everything is ok, God doesn't mind. It will only last a few years though and the real Jesus will return and all mankind will see Him and face judgement by Him, He wants to save everyone, He will return as the King of mercy but not all will be saved, 'one will be taken and one left', the ones who are taken perish because they won't be able to repent.
I think this video is a preview of the return of Christ:
Fr Adam Skwarczynski is interesting:
God bless,


1/14/2021 08:51:44 am

Hi Padraic,
To be honest, I'm not that good in all the names, labels and distinctions, I don't know what New Age is, what old age is, I have never heard of new messiah either. I had to leave church to find God and so I am, on my path to Truth, Love, God. And here's what works for me as is logical and resonates with my innermost, highest truth and understanding – God doesn't mind because there is no EGO in God. For our different purposes we created God on our image and likeness, a person like us just more powerful, more potent…more vengeful… In our little minds we can not comprehend that maybe the reality is a bit more complex, more complicated…
Whenever I see the word 'judgement ' in religious context I wonder – why I was given free will if I can not use it??? What would be God's plan and intention in that "gift" then??? (Please enlighten me).
Return of Jesus – yes, He is returning, but again -maybe taking it literally as physical return of a person is not the right way to see it? What if the return of Jesus means the awakening of Christ Consciousness in each of us?
I can go on and on but instead I will recommend beautiful and very wise book by Cynthia Bourgeault: The Wisdom Jesus (beware she's somehow connected to Richard Rohr!). Read if you want to understand Jesus on deeper level, if you want to understand His true teaching and the true sacrament of His life.
Love and light

New Age/old age? There is a widespread theory in Astrology that after the Age of Pisces (Fish) there is the New Age of Aquarius. And since early Christianity used the symbol of the Fish for Christianity they think that the Age of Christianity is basically over and it is time for a new messiah and new age. They believe every 2,000 years or so there is a new guru/Buddha/Krishna to teach the world new enlightenment. It is a very clever plan but bogus imo, the seeds of it were planted a very long time ago. There is a guru who claims to be the real messiah and the new Buddha/Krishna and the Muslim Mahdi, he claims to be the one man to unite all religions in himself.

If God has an ego i don't think He would mind, if you ask me, God minds because God loves. He loves us, He loves goodness, He wants our salvation, it breaks His heart having to refuse salvation to a creature He loves but it is not His fault. In my opinion God created hell in order that those who reject Him can exist for eternity but they must be fairly punished for their unrepented sins. Good must suppress evil always. I think we are given free-will because God respects us so much and He hopes we will freely choose the path of real love which leads to eternal life with Him.


1/9/2021 10:42:32 pm

I am currently reading one of Rohr's books and am enjoying listening to another perspective. I grew up in conservative tradition and over the years have benefitted greatly from listening to others. Having our constructs challenged is a healthy thing. I am thankful I am not in the same box I started in and believe that is God's intent. I'm not sure why you have decided you have the corner on the truth and thus should instruct Christians to "avoid" the teachings of this man or others.

A liberal Christianity without Christ is being taught by these famous teachers. In this day and age everything goes, nothing is seen to be offensive to God if it involves love but that is not always true.
God bless,
padraic kelly


1/16/2021 07:24:10 am

Dear Padraic,
I know I should probably leave it as it is (as there is not even REPLY button under your last post to reply) but I just can't.
First – thank you for clarifying what the New Age actually means, I have heard about the Age of Aquarius but haven't connected the dots…
Second – what kind of free will would that be? "You have free will but if you don't do what I want you to do you will suffer eternally"??? I wouldn't call it respect, I wouldn't consider it loving. What such interpretation would make out of God? And I think deep down in your heart you sense it's somehow not right.
Third – again, please read The Wisdom Jesus, I can't recommend it enough. Just yesterday I was reading in this book about the meaning of Jesus's passage through the realms of hell after His death on the cross (your "Good must suppress evil always" – yes, but not by means of eternal punishment but the power of love). True meaning of hell, of repentance, of sin…it's all there explained beautifully by someone much wiser than me (and in proper English, not mine)
Fourth and last – let go of fear! Do not be affraid. Question, doubt, search, ask…you will not be condemned or punished forever for that. Listen to your heart and trust it, there are all the answers you need. Just don't be affraid. I
God bless you


1/17/2021 04:16:25 pm

Very helpful analysis, based on Rohr’s own words and a robust inquiry using scripture, logic and history. Thanks for sharing, Alisa.

I’m currently reading one of Rohr’s books and happened upon your post. I must confess I like to read diverse theological views (especially ones I’m unlikely to agree with) and I’m seeing a lot which could be interpreted as sailing close to the “Little Gods” prosperity message in Rohr’s work.

It’s helpful to find a concise summary- thanks again.

Departing from God and following the ways of Satan is established in Genesis and revisited throughout every story in scripture. In the Garden there are only two powers available for man to serve. And today, as it has been since Eden, there are only two powers – God or Satan. This truth is restated in the story of Noah and those in the flood – the population of the earth divided into two groups. If Adam and Eve were placed in the story of Noah, they would not be in the Ark with righteous Noah. Adam and Eve would be in the water. Their sin was sexual for it was a sexually perverse generation in the water at that time and so it is today. Then the land was filled with violence as our land is today.

Keith Williams

7/12/2021 02:31:37 am

So, Marilyn, it is right to slaughter, not only the 'sinful' but children both born and unborn. Sex in almost any form, seems to be an anathema to God and should be punishable by death. I wonder why that is. He seems comfortable with murder and extreme violence.

You have got to admire the way God uses water to humanely kill children and does not resort to the usual eternal roasting. Now, that is real love and compassion.


1/22/2021 07:29:04 pm

I was on the internet and found this article about a man whom I credit with bringing me back from a dark place into the Light of The World – Jesus Christ. His name is Father Richard Rohr, OFM and he is one of only a small handful of true Christian Mystics (along the lineage of Father Thomas Merton, OFM). From the age of 15, he has dedicated his life (63 years as a priest) to the Perennial Tradition and in service to Christ through his work with the poor, alcoholics and drug addicts, prisoners and the forgotten (Matthew 25:34-36)
Father Richard is a peer of the theological giants like Eugene Peterson, so when I read your article, I was hoping for the best ! To your credit, you showed some chutzpah, but after consideration, I simply can’t believe your complete and utter lack of humility and basic knowledge about the nature of the trap of dualistic thinking that “Evangelicals” and radical far-right Catholics desperately adhere to.
There is help available. In addition to founding the CAC, Richard is the author of several books about the possibility of reaching further – that maybe it is possible to evolve past our infant like understanding of Jesus the Christ towards The Universal Christ. You state: “He openly affirms panentheism, a view of the nature of God that teaches God is in all, all is in God, but God also transcends the world. This carries troubling implications for his view of the Trinity and the nature of Christ”, to which I’d affirm – Yes, my friends, God was here before His son Jesus and if you think that is “new agey”, you’re still in the toddler stage of spiritual development.
Father Richard Rohr’s dedication to educate, inspire and help people to understand The Gospels have brought countless people like me closer to God with an open-hearted attitude. For those who have witnessed terrible things and became separated from God's love and goodness. – Father Rohr was (and is) the Way back to Christ.
So how do we grow and serve Christ to become better people ? It’s definitely Not by instructing others how, when, where or through whom we are to receive God’s Grace.
Your friend in Christ

Mark, most telling is your insistence that Richard Rohr should educate us. You don't have to dig very deep to see that Rohr makes bold pronouncements that spring from his own ego (I am better than God) and then finds a way to twist Scripture to fit his views.

Scripture is analogous to Scripture. It is not confusing at all, it is consistent when you dive into the Bible and see its common thread from Old to New Testament.

People like Rohr sideline the conversation from grace, to buying into his own ego. It is a trap. Don't fall for it. Rohr like many others is a smiling angel of light… whose views cast you into the darkness.

I urge you to search the scriptures and do your own homework.

Ian Huntington

7/12/2021 10:33:42 am

Trevor, I know that nothing I could write here would lead you to see differently. When one is convinced that he is right, he only accepts that which confirms his belief.
I have no desire to spar with you in your faith journey. I only wish that the loving graciousness of God will help you to eventually see and accept that God works in mysterious ways beyond anyone’s theological understanding. What may seem like ego to you may actually God’s truth confronting our well intentioned misconceptions. Real truth comes from within. In any case, I wish you the Spaciousness and happiness of God.


3/4/2021 08:45:47 pm

The problem is your statement. “Richard Rohr was ( and is ) the Way back to Christ”

Scripture says. John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

No man is the way.

Ian Huntington

7/14/2021 09:11:15 am

Jennifer, while I heartily agree with Mark’s overall statement, I do agree that the wording, “the way back to Christ”, could be better stated. Clearly, the teachings of Father Rohr have been and continue to be highly instrumental in Mark’s reconversion to Christ. I can say the same for myself. An understanding and conversion to the difficult teachings of Christ is the path to understanding God. That is what makes our beliefs Christian.
Father Rohr is one in a long historic line of Christians (followers of the teachings of Christ) who do not accept original sin, God’s need to pay for sin with blood, and other beliefs central to an evangelical understanding of Christ, God and salvation.
Christianity has never been united in belief, understanding or practice. Those who insist that their version of Christianity is the only true version approved by God have blinders on.
I am not implying that you wear spiritual blinders, I don’t know you and I can only assume that you are a loving follower of Christ too.
Yes, for us Christians, Christ is our example leading us to God. There are many teachers who are our examples leading us to Christ. Like Mark, I believe that the teachings of Father Rohr lead me to Christ.
There have been people on this post and in my last 70 years of life who tell me I am not a Christian because I no longer believe the evangelical model of Christianity I was raised in and went to seminary to study and to promote. They claim that they say this out of love. It hurts, it’s clearly not out of love but rather like a horse with blinders who denies that anything not in their vision doesn’t exist.

Keith Williams

7/12/2021 02:55:07 am

Mark, your response to Alisa was both scholarly and compassionate. Father Rohr's writings point to a way in which we can evolve our understanding of what it means to be a Christian. I agree, Evangelicals need abandon the 'toddler' stage of their journey towards transcendence. The true God who resides in all of us is far greater than the limited, anthropomorphic God of the Old Testament.

I am encouraged to know that I am not the only one having to refute Rohr to the Christian mainstream. How he has wheedled his way in is a mystery since he clearly promotes a different gospel. Yes, he is a wolf among sheep and there are many loose these days like him, who would change the Word of God into a lie. It is good to speak up and say why these people are wrong. Most troubling to me, is that they routinely make bold statements as if true, then back that up with misquotes and proof texting from scripture. You need to know your Bible and understand your faith to fight back.


2/7/2021 04:31:56 am

Hi Trevor,
I think you will find that throughout history, new ideas have always challenged the established order. It is through light that we are aware of darkness.If the writings of the bible were the writings of a todler, would you still believe them word for word when you became an adult? Shurely your experience and perspectives will change as you grow: what you saw and interpreted one way, you may see differently later. It has been 2000 years since most of the bible was written. The earth was "flat", the earth isn't the centre of the solar system. Do you really think that everything is to be seen exactly the way they were then? If so , I presume you are still walking everywhere or travelling by donkey!
God has given you a mind to think, explore and challenge: that is why he gave us free will. wether you realise it or not, this is the greatest gift he has given you. Can we get off the donkey, and get into the car of our minds. We are made in his image. Create, go forth and live in the now! Peace X


3/6/2021 02:14:36 pm

“It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in; who brings princes to nothing, and makes the rulers of the earth as emptiness.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:22-23‬ ‭ESV‬‬


4/5/2021 09:58:02 am

But the writings of the Bible are not those of a toddler or toddlers. Things change, some for good and some not. But truth doesn't. What changes, at least for me, is a greater understanding of the scriptures as I age, as I change.


4/9/2021 07:00:58 pm

With all due respect Moira, there are many writings from thousands of years ago that we now understand more fully. With modern knowledge however, we are able to better understand what was happening at the time. That is why I use the toddler analogy. I hope we have moved forward greatly with the benefit of years of hindsight. We should and in many cases do see things clearer than in those times. I think if Jesus came today he would challenge us just as he challenged the Jews of his day. So maybe we are the “Pharasees” of today, holding on to doctrine and tradition and missing the essence and spirit of what the Bible is saying. I pray we will see ourselves in his truth. Peace X


2/6/2021 04:52:57 am

It's interesting reading the above comments for and against Richard. We can only see the world through the glasses we wear. Sometimes when we take them off we actually see better or see a thing differently. Sometimes our glasses need changing. Rhor like the writers of the bible or any book gives his perspective. God is bigger than what or who we perceive him to be. What Rhor is asking us to do is open our God given minds. The bible has in many writings that do not speak to a loving God.if we continue to follow it slavishly we will continue to want to dominate each other and continue to cause much suffering.

I'm always fascinated by this back and forth between New Age Christians and Bible-believers. I, myself, was lead to Bible-belief via a circuitous path of searching that included 12 Step "Anon" programs, counseling, a career in psychiatric nursing, and a New Age church that figured prominently in changing my intellectual self-sufficiency and softening my heart toward the existence of a real God and subsequently, a desire to know personally, this Jesus as presented in the Bible. And I must say, that there is a natural simplicity in its deep and mysterious message that stands in stark contrast to the extraordinary efforts that my human mind goes through to understand such an amazing gift we have been offered: salvation, eternal life! It IS His response to the deepest yearnings of our hearts for this life to make any sense: safety, guidance, rules for our general welfare and good, knowledge and wisdom, truth, a right way and a wrong way, punishment, justice, forgiveness… and ALL ageless and loving. My time in the New Age church in retrospect, was my last effort to try to out-think God. While my personal life was falling apart, God lead me, via simple but synchronistic events (miracles!), to finally sit in a seat of a Bible- believing church with ears ready and willing to surrender to His truth. Gone are the mental gymnastics and striving intellectually. Gone is the arrogance and cynicism that kept me apart and "above" the simple truth of the magnificence of God's plan to redeem us to Him. I surrendered, am at peace now, know my eternal destiny with Him, and am so grateful. I know that God can use anything to draw us to Him.


2/13/2021 11:29:34 pm

Clearly Richard Rohr has never experienced the transformational reality of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. I pray that he does before it’s too late. In view of the Roman Catholic Church’s observance of both the Apostles Creed and the Athanasian Creed I find it extraordinary that they would tolerate his line of teaching. I would not want to be Richard Rohr when he one day stands before the Lord.

Ian Huntington

6/7/2021 07:59:09 am

Tony, in all humility I would tell you that if anyone has ever experienced the in dwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives, it is Richard Rohr.
Your statement otherwise would suggest that your view is small, limited and narrow in its experience and that’s OK if we are open to growth. I am certain you would vehemently disagree but we all, including myself, view God and our spiritual understanding from the limitations of our experiences. Faith and certainty are two very different things. Certainty may stem more from our individual ego (which requires certainty and security) than from our openness to God and can even block us from fully experiencing God.
Richard Rohr’s teachings help us to be open to God through meditation were we experience God (the Holy Spirit if you choose to use that terminology) within us and without us in the world that needs our inspired action.
I wish you God’s blessings in your life and your evolving understanding.

Tim Williams

7/8/2021 02:10:13 pm

@Ian Huntington, Jesus said the way to the Father is narrow (Matthew 7:14). Yes, God is merciful, but we must repent of our sins, or we will experience the wrath of God. Ian, you mentioned you are a progressive believer? That is an oxymoron, to be honest. Do you even know what progressive means? Let me school you on the meaning of progressive. A Progressive is a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas. New? Is God not the same God yesterday, today, and forever? (Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6). Now let us take a look at the meaning of liberal, shall we? A liberal is willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas or a supporter of policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare.

The form of Christianity you and many lost souls have concocted in our society is the “gay Christians,” or as Oprah once said, “free-thinking Christian.” This form of so-called believers is the kind of folks who will not experience persecution because of the "Christians" faith, unlike true Christians. Now is it possible for true Christians to be progressive at one time in life? Yes, but eventually, Christ will change (2 Corinthians 5:17) that individual's heart. True Christians grow, false so-called Christians do not; they progress as society changes because it is God’s way of showing these folks were never saved. So Ian Huntington checks to see if you are of the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). Genuine Christians are not progressive this is not in our DNA. Submit your life to Christ and ask for the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to you and ask for wisdom and discernment. The Holy Spirit will reveal what Alisa and the other true Christians on here have been trying to convey to you. No one is here to bash Mr. Rohr. We are simply warning people of the false teachings of this gentleman. The Bible said we are to warn as an expression of love. Mr. Rohr is not the type of person that is willing to call folks to repentance because it is not the way of our current society. You progressive folks should know this. By the way, the more progressive our society becomes, the closest we are heading towards the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37-39). Progressive as in men can be women, women can be men, truths are now hateful, hate is now truth, children are to be taught critical race theory, Darwinism something came from nothing or somehow God used evolution, social justice, my body, my choice except for the covid shots, homosexual marriage, one world order, open border, etc. These are some of the beliefs of the progressive crowd. True Christians know none of these beliefs glorifies God. Ian, I understand that there is probably nothing I or anyone on here could tell you to change your mind. All I would like to say is your progressive beliefs do not align with God. But it does align with the devil himself. Progressive believes is one of the causes of Christian prosecution in this country. Just keep that in mind because it is an oxymoron to call yourself a progressive Christian. I will pray for you. My fellow Christians, please pray for Ian Huntington and others alike.

Tim Williams

7/12/2021 12:10:28 pm

@Ian, quoting you, "I left evangelical Christianity at age 28. I am very glad to be done with it. I chose to become Episcopalian where I am free to study higher biblical criticism, Christian mysticism, Buddhism and to struggle with my own understanding of God, Christ, salvation.

@Ian, truth be told you were never a Christian (1 John 2:19). Christian mysticism?

Now I don’t know much about this mysticism you have attached to your created view of Christianity. But I will quote someone who knows this subject. Shirley Berg said, “ I’ve always loved Ted Dekker, but now I’m starting to get uncomfortable. Sin is not really sin, just a misperception, so genuine, heartfelt repentance isn’t really needed, especially since God won’t be judging anyone, His wrath is nothing to fear, everyone gets saved in the end, etc., etc. I’ve read the whole Bible through more times than I can remember, and these things are not sound theology! And who needs the cross and atonement if we are just misperceiving?” Ian, is this what you believe? To believe that we must step away from reasoning. When we look at our world system, this thinking does not align because it doesn’t make sense. What makes you think it will make sense in God’s Heaven?

As for mixing Buddhist beliefs with your created view of Christianity, let’s look at Buddhist beliefs. Karma, the actions or deeds of a person determines their position in the next life. Do good deeds outweigh, bad deeds (Islam), enlightenment, dharma, nirvana, and rebirth?

You, as with many false converts, created a god of your image. You have created a buffet of what you choose to believe and what you won’t believe because it does not align with your preferred lifestyle. Ian, at 70 years old, you should be teaching me (a millennial) the truth. Ian, you are stuck in your old ways of thinking. Abandoning the truth at 28-years-old was a terrible decision on your end. Now you are in a limbo of thought. Ian, you should repent while you can and accept the truth (John 14:6). Your beliefs are that of convenience. True Christianity is not convenient to our fall nature (flesh). As Christians we accept this truth, and instead rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us, so we may live righteous lives. Unfortunately, Ian picking and taking from other religious beliefs will never lead to a relationship with Christ. It will cause you to seek emotional religion; this is what you have done.

The Dangers of Christian Mysticism

Tim Williams

7/12/2021 12:13:28 pm

@Ian, Now I don’t know much about this mysticism you have attached to your created view of Christianity. But I will quote someone who knows this subject. Shirley Berg said, “ I’ve always loved Ted Dekker, but now I’m starting to get uncomfortable. Sin is not really sin, just a misperception, so genuine, heartfelt repentance isn’t really needed, especially since God won’t be judging anyone, His wrath is nothing to fear, everyone gets saved in the end, etc., etc. I’ve read the whole Bible through more times than I can remember, and these things are not sound theology! And who needs the cross and atonement if we are just misperceiving?” Ian, is this what you believe? To believe that we must step away from reasoning. When we look at our world system, this thinking does not align because it doesn’t make sense. What makes you think it will make sense in God’s Heaven?

As for mixing Buddhist beliefs with your created view of Christianity, let’s look at Buddhist beliefs. Karma, the actions or deeds of a person determines their position in the next life. Do good deeds outweigh, bad deeds (Islam), enlightenment, dharma, nirvana, and rebirth?

You, as with many false converts, created a god of your image. You have created a buffet of what you choose to believe and what you won’t believe because it does not align with your preferred lifestyle. Ian, at 70 years old, you should be teaching me (a millennial) the truth. Ian, you are stuck in your old ways of thinking. Abandoning the truth at 28-years-old was a terrible decision on your end. Now you are in a limbo of thought. Ian, you should repent while you can and accept the truth (John 14:6). Your beliefs are that of convenience. True Christianity is not convenient to our fall nature (flesh). As Christians we accept this truth, and instead rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us, so we may live righteous lives. Unfortunately, Ian picking and taking from other religious beliefs will never lead to a relationship with Christ. It will cause you to seek emotional religion; this is what you have done.

The Dangers of Christian Mysticism

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