Holy Spirit as a person: Is the Holy ghost real?

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Holy Spirit as a person: Is the Holy ghost real?

Posted on November 16, 2015 Updated on November 16, 2015

How to recover your lost glory by the power of the Holy Spirit?

Daniel 2:47-The king said to Daniel, “Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings, and a revealer of mysteries,

  1. I misplaced my eye glasses a week ago. Exactly on the morning of November 7, 2015, I woke up without seeing my glasses, and could not remember where I kept it. The last two places I visited was my office and a restaurant. I conducted searches and asked the personnel there, but no one found it.
  2. For three days, I searched and searched, but could not find it, but did not give up. After three days of fruitless search, I returned to the Holy Spirit. By His grace I have never lost any possession in life. I use to say, none of my properties could be stolen because I did not steal money to buy them.
  3. So I returned to the Holy Spirit after three days of using my wisdom to locate my lost possessions, and asked him to fish out my glasses for him. Every day I engaged the Holy Spirit in a discussion. I petitioned him, and ‘queried’ I was not even praying to him, but at a point was really querying him why He allowed my glasses to be missing. I was not praying for a new glasses, as I believed the one I had, should not be missing in the first instance.
  4. I asked the Holy Spirit: ‘Holy Spirit, please where is my glasses?’; ‘Holy Spirit, fish out my glasses wherever it is’; ‘Holy Spirit why did you allow my glasses to be lost or missing, at least you were there when I misplaced it.? Why didn’t remind me to pick it?’ ‘Holy Spirit would you please bring back my glasses?’.
  5. To the glory of God, Holy Spirit brought my glasses yesterday. I went to that same restaurant when I suspected it was misplaced. As I sat down one of the workers walked in, and I told him am still looking for my glasses. He quickly went to a drawer and brought it out, saying it has been lying there for the past one week. I was pleasantly surprised because they have earlier searched and couldn’t find it in the restaurant.
  6. I returned to my hotel room and gave thanks to the Holy Spirit for bringing back my glasses. My testimony remains my possessions cannot be lost, and the power of God recovered my blessings for me in Jesus name. Also, the Holy Spirit confirmed once more to me that He is real.
  7. There is somebody that needs to relate to the Holy Spirit as a friend and companion. There is somebody that needs to earnestly and repeatedly ask the Holy Spirit questions, by faith. There is someone that needs to claim his covenant rights from the Holy Spirit. There is somebody that needs to be determined to only take ‘Yes’ for an answer from the Holy Spirit. There is somebody that should not allow the Holy Spirit to rest, until he is settled. There is somebody that needs to ask his friend, the Holy Spirit simple questions: Holy Spirit where is my job? Holy Spirit give me a job? Holy Spirit where is my baby? Holy Spirit give me a baby? Holy Spirit where is my husband/wife? Holy Spirit, bring my husband/wife to me? Holy spirit, where did you allow me to remain jobless, unmarried, sick, poor etc
  8. I pray as you do so in faith and righteousness, your testimonies shall manifest in Jesus name.

Babatope Babalobi: + 2348035897435 babalobi@yahoo.com

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This entry was posted in Babatope Babalobi, Christianity, Holy Spirit and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible, Christian, christian deliverance, holy ghost, holy spirit, Jesus Christ, save the world prayer blog, Success.

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