How Christians Are Using Technology To Spread The Gospel

The world is coming to an end; —The picture is painted clearly. Christians must reach out to everyone with the salvation message through technology and the old traditional means. Win souls for Christ.

The signs of the last days are very clear. We can evidently see Bible prophecies (such as Matthew 24) of the end times unfolding in our eyes. It’s time to live that godly life, hold onto the faith, and spread the gospel through technology and the old traditional way. The world is a messy place to cling to the things that don’t satisfy the soul. It’s getting worse each day for Christians to live life without the devil’s threats and disturbances.

However, the Bible has called us to live wisely on days like this —by making good opportunities of anything we come across. Science and Technology have their cons and pros. Don’t sink deep into it and be addicted to something silly like pornography, demonic programs, and videos.

Today, I would like to share with you some of the best ways Christians can use technology to spread the gospel. The Word of God must be sent across the world and the believer reading this has that privilege and responsibility.

Christians need technological gadgets to communicate and share valuable information like sermons and Bible verses. If we stand and contemplate the possible negative effects of technology —we might fall behind in sending the word of God to people who are perishing.

The “Great Commission” as mentioned in the Bible shouldn’t be slowed down for any reason. The Lord Himself is with us. Time changes. The method of sending messages to other people in distant areas has also gone through different stages and advancements.

“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15).

The Holographic Technology Used By Pastor Randy Bezet

As Science and Technology keep on advancing and having a huge impact on social lives, the church is also enjoying some benefits. Pastor Randy Bezet from Bradenton, Fla. has made good use of holographic technology to lead the church at 9 different locations simultaneously.

Initially, Pastor Bezet couldn’t reach out to his congregation at 9 different locations from Bayside Community Church.

But today with technology, he can lead the church with a technology called Proto. It can transport him to any designated place of his choice ‘live’ or recorded. Through this Proto, he can even interact with his audience.

The Internet Has Always Been A Great Medium Of Evangelism

Let me remind you of dispatch riders who used to send letters to Provinces in the days of the Israelites. Horses, Camels, chariots, etc, were the fastest transport means. Either way, people have to walk for days and use boats or ships for transport. It takes several days to reach distant places.

Today we have the Internet, and even snail mail is gradually becoming obsolete. I know some Christians will argue about certain means of using technology to share the gospel. That’s one’s personal view.

Which one is wrong? The mobile phone, computer, VR, TV, hologram or what?

All these have their advantages and disadvantages. The Devil is truly using technology to distract many Christians from worshiping God or spending more time with Him.

In one of my articles, I talked about the use of digital Bibles and how to use them without sinning against God. A few years ago, the Chinese government banned the use of digital Bibles. But why the Bible? Think about it. Persecution of truth is increasing in our days.

Bear in mind that the temptation of falling into the Devil’s trap is very high when using the digital Bible.

Addiction to certain ungodly technological programs and materials have been a major setback for thousands of Christians. You may read this article about the dangers of addiction and how to break free through God.

It all begins with the mindset. If you make up your mind to exercise self-discipline while reading sermons online —no temptation from the Devil will succeed. The Holy Spirit lives in us so self-control shouldn’t be a lost battle for any true Christian.

Being at Church and reading your Bible from a device like a mobile phone or tablet could be very tempting (Multipurpose functions). If you can’t stay focused on the Bible; but get distracted by advertisements, Facebook messages, WhatsApp messages, emails, and so forth —then you have to quit using digital Bibles.

the technology of reading Bible on the phone

It would be better to go in for the printed version (hard copy) of the Bible. It is either you allow yourself to fall into the Devil’s plan of winning your mind and soul or you stay true to your conscious mind by guarding it.

You ought to serve God with your whole heart, mind, and strength. Then spread the gospel you have hidden inside your heart with the world through any technological means.

Instead of shunning these little technological gadgets, we can capitalize on them to reach more people with the word of God. Think about creating or joining online Christian forums, communities, prayer groups, counseling sections, etc.

Sharing The Gospel Through Facebook’s Meta Verse Technology

Recently, Facebook’s announcement of the “Metaverse” alarmed many Christians. Oh come on, don’t freak out. We can use it to create avenues that will help organize Bible programs as Christians.

I remember reading a newsletter from Andrew Torba from Gab inspiring Christians to take advantage of the so-called Meta-verse to schedule meetings and organize Christian programs.

That’s a fine idea. Even if the intention behind those gadgets is to enslave humans in a virtual world —we can use them in a godly way to strengthen the body of Christ.

From distant places, we can reach each other with the gospel through technology. Nothing can stop the word of God from going out into the world.

Please, we must always be cautious about the amount of time we spend on screens and use other gadgets. The Lord wants us to get more closer to Him than anyone or anything.

A phone is here with us with so many functions and programs. You have to grow much interest in reading your digital Bible and share Bible verses or sermons with friends, loved ones, and even strangers.

The great commission has to be done in so many different ways. The message has to go out! There are many Christian Apps that help increase the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and teach Bible lessons.

The Bible says the gospel has to reach every corner of the world before the end comes. And I believe technology is helping push the message to distance land without any difficulties.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole inhabited earth as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (John 4:14)

In our 21st century, missionaries don’t necessarily have to travel from country to country. Technology or the media have the simplest means for that job.

May we pray for each other to grow in spiritual strength and wisdom to overcome any temptation that will come to us through technology. We are here to take advantage of this through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Bible says:

“Therefore be very careful how you live – not as unwise but as wise, taking advantage of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16)

Thank you for reading through. A quick reminder: I used my phone to write this message, quickly picked Bible verses, and published it for the world to read. Technology 🙂 I love to share the gospel around the world through technology.

I’m grateful to have such a wonderful medium to reach out to the world with the salvation message. I’m on the right track. No room for drama. Remember to live wisely in this hectic world. Stay blessed.

About Author


Anthony Eshun is a Christian blogger from Ghana, saved by grace. Loves the Bible, life coaching, and evangelism. With over 6 years of experience in blogging, he has reached out to thousands of people around the world.


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