How God Comforts Us: 4 Special Ways
God comforts us through the trials of life, and we find peace knowing God is our comforter.
“BEEP B-E-E-P!” Our family’s brown Toyota Corolla’s horn echoed off the walls of the rock-walled tunnel we zipped through in the Smoky Mountains.
Daddy held his heavy hand down on the horn from the moment we entered the tunnel until our car popped into the sunshine on the other side.
Belly laughs, and joyful squeals rang out from the back seat where I sat, squished between my brother and sister.
Being the youngest child, I was always summoned to sit in the middle.
I abhorred the position most of the time, but my childhood family vacations only happened once a year, and I was glad for any place to enjoy the ride.
As the daughter of a pastor whose life seemed to always be under our small town’s microscope, I relished a week of uninterrupted time with Daddy and the rest of my family.
We enjoyed our adventures by dashing through the dark tunnels along the Smoky Mountain National Park highway with our car horns blaring.
But other dark tunnels I’ve traveled through have not brought such exuberance. And one of those tunnels was a different kind of adventure I traveled with my dad at the helm: his struggle with medication dependency.
Joy was scarce, fear dominated, and heartache loomed.
I searched for my heavenly Father’s presence, seeking His goodness in the darkness and begging for His comfort.
When I turned to the Scriptures, I discovered four biblical sources revealing God is our comforter.
Perhaps you are passing through one of life’s dark tunnels, and your heart is crying to God for comfort.
Let’s examine these four biblical sources to see how God comforts us and helps us find shelter in our hearts.
How God Comforts Us
When we place our hope in the things––and people––of this world, we will be disappointed.
Our circumstances are constantly changing, filled with uncertainty, and out of our control.
The Apostle Paul knew the pain of hardship, betrayal, and seeming defeat. But he also knew where to run to for comfort in those times of deep grief.
In 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Paul exhorts the Corinthian church with these words:
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (NKJV).
Trials in this life, whether brought on by our intentional or unintentional actions or those of others, can reveal a greater truth about how God comforts us and who He is.
He’s the One who holds mercy, rest, and comfort in His hands. And He extends it to us so that we can, in exchange, extend it to others.
We can surely trust the God of all comfort.
God Comforts Us Through Scripture
The Bible reveals how God comforts us, His redemptive plan for mankind, His character, His instructions for joyful living, and His promises for His children.
By reading the Word, we find hope, help, and healing necessary to endure the trials this life affords.
Romans 15:4 declares: “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope” (NKJV).
Through the Word, our souls find strength to endure the trials. And when the suffocating darkness of pain swoops down into our lives, the Scriptures fuel our hearts with hope.
Beholding the Lord’s promises to never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5b), strengthen and help us (Isaiah 41:10), and bring us to a glorious ending (Revelations 21:4) infuses comfort that shines a light into the deepest, darkest heartache.
We find peace, rest, and respite through these promises when the world shakes.
And in the words of the Apostle Paul: “Therefore comfort one another with these words.” – 1 Thessalonians 4:18 (NKJV)
God Comforts Us With His Protection
One particular night, when anxiety wrecked me over my dad’s drug dependency, the 23rd Psalm stayed at the forefront of my mind.
I slowly pondered Psalm 23:4: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (NKJV).
How does the Lord’s rod and staff extend comfort?
The Good Shepherd uses his rod to fend off evil threats against His beloved sheep, and it’s used for correction when we stray from the right path.
This reveals God is our comforter through His perfect protection provided to His children.
And the Shepherd’s staff is His loving support to His children in every circumstance.
There isn’t a valley––or dark tunnel––that we go through that our good Father isn’t with us.
And not only does He go with us, but He also gives us protection, provision, and consolation.
God is Our Comforter Through Others
I wish it weren’t so, but I tend to isolate myself when calamity strikes. It wasn’t any different during the hardship I endured with my dad.
I’m learning that isolation is one of the enemy’s main tactics. He wants to convince us that separation is a good thing.
Because he wants us to wallow in our suffering, he will work to prevent us from the encouragement we find in confiding in others.
Yet the Apostle Paul implores us to: “Comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NKJV)
Saints who’ve gone through paths shrouded with darkness, pain, and confusion have the light of wisdom to share with us that is only obtained by going before us.
Oftentimes, the words of a fellow traveler––one proclaiming the Lord’s faithfulness even in the most desperate moments––have lifted my heart and helped me carry on.
Sweet friend, maybe you’ve found yourself journeying through a dark tunnel.
A place that once brought you joy is now shrouded with despair. Let me encourage you with these words: there is comfort even here.
God comforts us. Run to the Lord. Sink deep into the Scriptures.
Lean on the Good Shepherd’s rod and staff. Seeking trusted friends who’ve traveled the dark roads too.
Here we will find our strength, hope, and help to keep moving forward until the Lord brings deliverance. Assuredly, one day, it will come!
Rosann Coulon
Rosann Coulon is the author of 40 Days to God, My Father: Finding Shelter in the Heart of God, and the founder of Leaving a Well Ministries. The ministry’s mission is to share biblical hope with hurting hearts by providing Christ-centered resources.