How the 12 Days of Christmas Deepens the Joy of Christmas- Part 2
The weeks following Christmas Day are actually the feast of Christmastide. A long feast beginning on Christmas Day and culminating on Epiphany. It is essentially a mini-season of the Church Calendar in which we feast and celebrate for the King has come!!
“In the world in which we live, we are given no time to prepare for the birth of Our Lord and Savior and then no time to celebrate it once we get there.” -Ashley Wallace
The 12 Days of Christmas help me create space to celebrate. To enjoy Jesus first coming while anticipating his second coming! This is why I am continuing to be in awe of how this carol surprised me with symbolism that encourages us as we linger in the gift of Christ embodied. I am intrigued by the history behind this song and by the meaning behind each of the gifts and how they point back to Jesus and his word.
I am excited to share what I have learned these last few years though a poem I wrote inspired by this carol. Today I will share the last six days.
12 Days of Christmas
As beautiful as sevens swans a swimming
Are the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit
Each intentionally given with grace
So that some can prophesy, serve, and teach well
While other encourage, give, lead, and show mercy cheerfullyAs lowly as eight maids a milking you came
Showing your glory to the lowliest shepherds first
Being born of a lowly teen without pomp and pedigree
Blessing the poor you came showing them your kingdom come
What grace to us all poor and lowly in sin now savedLike the crescendo of nine ladies dancing grows
Because the music is swelling with rhythm
So will the nine fruit of the spirit grow in us
As the Holy Spirit’s presence swells in us
Growing us to become more like JesusLike the honor due to the ten lords a leaping
As they honorably keep at the law and help others do as well
The ten commandments are available to help us keep his law
Through the power of the Spirit we can be guided by them
Helping us to obey in love the commands of GodLike the ten pipers piping share their song
the eleven faithful apostles shared until the 12th was chosen
They began in Judea but soon persecution scattered to Samaria
As the church and their boldness grew the Gospel spread more
Thankfully it reached the ends of the world it came to me tooAs twelve drummers drumming march in unity
the twelve points of the Apostle’s Creed bring us unity
We believe in God the Father and in his Son and the power of the Holy Spirit in his conception
We believe in Jesus suffering, crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and soon return
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Church-the communion of saints, grateful for the forgiveness of sin and look forward to the resurrection of our bodies to life everlasting.A love poem made song
A love gift in each verse
A reminder that his truth can’t be thwarted
His will be done here on earth as it is in heaven
His will includes delight, He delights over you with song~Daisy Fuentes Dronen
More Ways to Connect with this Carol
I pray that these verses encourage you. If you want to see the individual posts for each day check out the posts I have written about these on IG. I am also sharing my new favorite rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas but make it gospel. It is absolutely lovely.
What a perfect time to start honing your charcuterie skills! I have just the right thing to help you feel ready and confident while you gather. I created this simple and beautiful charcuterie guide for you. In my opinion it’s cute enough to show and then it would always be available for you! Plus, I am always honored to offer you practical content for purposeful and life giving time around the table. Check it out by clicking on the graphic below!
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