How to become successful in my life

How to become successful in my life

Posted on September 19, 2015

Deut 28 vs 13: 13 And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them and to do them

  1. It is obvious that God wants his children to come first, to be above, successful, and become leaders of men.
  2. The blessings of God are not mechanical.
  3. The blessings of God are conditional.
  4. You must obey the commandments of God, which simply means you must be a good practising, born again Christian.
  5. You must be careful to observe the laws of God. Which means read your Bible diligently, be cautions less you fall into sin, check every matter that has a tendency of being sinful, embrace uncompromising righteousness, and ensure you fight for your salvation.
  6. Be a doing Christian. Your character should reflect godliness, love, peace, holiness, and meekness amongst other Christian virtues

I receive the anointing to be the head in Jesus name

Holy Ghost, make me a candidate of success in Jesus name

Power of God, promote me in Jesus name

I shall not fail where others failed in Jesus name

successtipsBabatope Babalobi  + 2348035897435

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This entry was posted in Breakthroughs, Prayers and tagged Bible, business, God, Jesus, life, successprinciples, succestips.

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