How to reach our culture today

Weekend Thoughts

I know we live in a “post-modern” world where moral relativism is the rule of the day. In fact, a study was just done called A 2008 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth.

Study on American Youth in 2008

A Los Angeles-based organization said the teenagers’ response to questions about lying, stealing and cheating reveals entrenched habits of dishonesty for the workforce of the future. Boys were found to lie and steal more than girls (why does that not surprise me?). Overall, 30% of students admitted to stealing from a store within the past year, a 2% rise from 2006. More than a third of boys (35%) said they had stolen goods, compared to 26% of girls.

Your Cheating Heart

An overwhelming majority, 83% of public school and private religious school students, admitted to lying to their parents about something significant. The study found “cheating in school continues to be rampant and it’s getting worse.” Among those surveyed, 64% said they had cheated on a test, compared to 60% in 2006, and 38% said they had done so two or more times.

The report went on to say, “Despite these high levels of dishonesty, these same kids have a high self-image when it comes to ethics.” Some 93% of students indicated satisfaction with their own character and ethics, with 77% saying that “when it comes to doing what is right, I am better than most people I know.”

How do you reach a culture like this?

As we look at how dark our culture is today, we wonder if we can ever really make a difference. It seems so overwhelming,it seems like darkness is spreading and light is receding.

It is like the time that Isaiah described: “Destruction is certain for those who say that evil is good and good is evil; that dark is light and light is dark; that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter” (Isaiah 5:20 NLT).

So how do you reach a culture like this? The same way the apostle Paul reached his. With the absolute truth of the Word of God!

Some might feel as though the time to present absolute truth has passed. They might say we in the Church can only ask questions, but not offer answers. As the British say, “That’s tubbish!”

The gospel is the answer

So how do we reach our culture today, then? I will deal with that in my message this Sunday at Harvest, “Reaching the iGeneration.” You can come join us live or watch the webcast as well.

This and that

You might want to check out my column with a Christmas theme posted at WorldNetDaily this weekend. If you like seeing my writing there, please let the editors know.

Simply go to You will see a banner for my column at the top of the page.

Christmas messages coming!

I am going to be doing a series of new messages on Sunday mornings for Christmas, starting December 14, and continuing on December 21 and Christmas Eve. Come and join us live, or watch online.

Christmas is a great time for sharing the gospel, as people seem to be more open to spriitual things this time of the year. And with our economy in the shape it is in, perhaps even more so.

OK, that’s all for now. Over and out.

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