How to receive the Holy Spirit

How to receive the Holy Spirit

Posted on September 4, 2010


Memorise: “That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour” (1 Thess 4:4)

Read: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-4

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” (John 14:12). The simplest definition of a disciple is an apprentice.

An apprentice is someone who is attached to his master, who likes the trade of his master and wants to do it like his master. In John 5:19 , Jesus says He is an apprentice of His Father.

Matthew 7:24-25 says a servant is not greater than his master. Yet He says, you will do greater works than He did. One thing you find with apprentices is that they carefully observe their master and repeat what they see him do. They learn by copying. Jesus also learnt by copying the Father.

The apprentice that will eventually become a master himself must have a high degree of inquisitiveness. He must be ready to ask questions on areas he is not clear about. He must have a probing mind and be ready to learn. If you think you already know enough, God has nothing else to teach you. If you cannot keep God company, and be in His presence, you cannot be an apprentice under Him.

Today, you have many apprentices who handle their period of training with levity. The aftermath is that they become half-baked masters. God cannot use half-baked believers. If you are not broken, God cannot use you. The extent of your use in God’s Kingdom is dependent on the extent to which you are broken, humble, taught and schooled in the university of suffering.

This year, God wants to use you to do the impossible. Greater works are possible to true disciples but many self-proclaimed disciples cannot access this. Several years ago, while still lecturing at the university, there was a young lady whose prayer always was, “Lord, use me for your glory”. She hardly asked for clothes, money or material things.

One day, she felt pressed. The first toilet was full so she moved to the second. That too was overflowing with faeces. She moved to the third. This was equally full and the door was broken. In addition, there was no water to flush the toilet so she decided to leave. Just then the Lord said He thought she wanted to use the toilet and she said Yes. Then He asked why she did not, and she said because it was dirty. So He told her He too could not use her because she was too dirty. What is stopping Heaven’s plan concerning you? Make amends today! Be a clean apprentice.

God’s vessels must be clean inside out. Ask God for grace to be clean always.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged babalobi, Bible, Devotionals, God, good news, Jesus, Religion, Save the World.

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