Intercessory prayers and soul winning

Intercessory prayers and soul winning

Posted on December 16, 2008 Updated on December 16, 2008


Memorise: “And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house” ( Acts 16:31 )

Read: Acts 16:27-32

Pastor E. Adeboye 

God’s plan to salvation covers the entire family. If you are saved but members of your family are not, don’t celebrate yet. You must be ready to pay whatever price to save every member of your family. In 1 Samuel 25:20-31 , David was angry that his security services for Nabal’s men were not appreciated.

To worsen the situation, his men were humiliated. So he rose with them to take revenge on Nabal and his household. But Abigail, the wise wife of Nabal took quick steps to prevent harm to her family.

When they met on the way she came down from her horse, knelt down and fell flat at David’s feet. Thereafter, she spoke very soothing words to soften his heart before offering her gift. Abigail could go any length to save her family from physical death!

Revelation 20:12-15 tells us there is a death worse than physical death. It is the second death.

This is eternal separation from God in the lake of fire. Everyone whose names are not written in the most important register of the universe – The Book of Life, will be hurled into this fire immediately after judgement.

 Any member of your family whose name has not been registered in that book is already heading for this eternal lake. When the jailer saw the earthquake in the prison, he immediately surrendered to Christ. Yet, he took every member of his family along.

Some Christians give up on family members easily. After spending a few thousands, they say they cannot continue to waste their time, effort and resources on family members who are not ready to receive Jesus Christ. No sacrifice is too much for the salvation of your family!

 Noah spent 120 years to build an ark that would save himself, his family and some animals ( Gen 7:17 ). According to Genesis 18:23-32 , Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah just because he wanted his nephew Lot and his family saved.

On receiving the news of an impending destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot immediately ran to his in-laws to possibly save them. How many of your family members are saved?

Take a family audit of those who are saved and those who are not. Organize a team of the saved; plan, pray, fast, put resources together and launch out to the rescue of unsaved members. You must not be guilty of their blood. You have no excuse if any member of your family ends up in hell. Take a step today!

Personally lead family members to Christ. Use every resource at your disposal

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged babalobi, Healing, Heaven, hell, pastor adeboye's sermons, Prayers, RCCG, Religion, Salvation, Success.

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