iRetire4Him – Mentoring in Action – Taking a Trip - Week Four — iWork4Him

Like I have said so many times before – spending time with someone is valuable – no matter what you are doing.  This week I want to talk about taking a trip with those younger than you.  I realize young people today are busy people.  A trip doesn’t have to be an overnight. It could be a trip to the local pond for some fishing or a trip to a local market to window shop.  A trip gets us away from their normal, so we can engage them in intentional conversation.

Now, if you have been reading my blog for long, you understand my desire for conversations to lead to faith and life.  This allows us to introduce them to the author of our faith and the giver of our life.  It takes time to build the trust to have that conversation.  

Think about all the great little “trips” that can be taken on a Saturday morning. Trips to:

Car shows

flea markets

craft fairs

fruit festivals


 holiday celebrations

boat parades

Camper and RV shows

These are great little 3 or 4 hour trips where you can share some of your life with them and they can learn a little about life from you.
The trip doesn’t have to be to a place, it could also be a trip to a store where you need some “help”. Buy them a coffee on the way as a thank you for helping.  Any way you can spend time with someone of the next generation, the time will be well spent.

The next generations desperately need to learn how to take a deep breath and put aside their phones and enjoy the people around them. Who knows, you might even be able to help them appreciate their parents better.
Do take a trip and drag a youngster along with you.  No matter how old you are, there is always someone younger around that could use some of what you have in your mind, and they definitely need to learn about our Jesus.

Titus 2:1New Living Translation (NLT)

As for you, Titus, promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching.

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