Jacob’s Wrestle and Redemption

Jacob had in the past struggled with maintaining character and integrity. He tricked his father into giving him the blessing of the firstborn son, which belonged to his brother Esau. Esau made a plan to kill him and Jacob ran away in order to escape death (Genesis 27). Jacob lived with his wives and children among their relatives, until the servant of his father in law complained that Jacob was prospering more than his uncle Laban. Again Jacob decided to run away from this situation in order to save his life (Genesis 31).
It was at this time that God instructed Jacob to return to his home country, in order to make peace with his brother Esau (Genesis 31). He was worried for his life and that night he prayed and wrestled with the decision that God had asked him to make. Jacob wrestled with an angel until daybreak. When the angel saw that Jacob would not release him, he touched touched his hip and put it out of joint. “Then he said, “Let me go, for the day has broken.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me””
(Genesis 32:26). In the end the angel asked Jacob his name. He was given a new name, Isreal, because he contended with God and prevailed.
It is never easy to face our fears and to go back to deal with an unresolved issue from our past. Running away doesn’t always solve the issue and you may find similar problems appearing in other relationships, if that old issue has not been resolved. Jacob’s wrestle led to his blessing and this changed his character. Jacob’s name was changed to Israel and his brother Esau could see the difference in him and instead of taking his life, embraced him.
We cannot outrun our past and issues left unresolved will surface in future relationships. God will sometimes require us to return to the place where relationships were broken. There are times when we will have to make amends and demonstrate our ability to change who we are. There are some relationships that God will ask us to walk away from and other times when resolution and restitution is necessary. We trust God to help us to know the difference and to sense his leading. “he shall confess his sin that he has committed. And he shall make full restitution for his wrong, adding a fifth to it and giving it to him to whom he did the wrong” (Numbers 5:7).
Published by Anneta Pinto-Young
I am a trained Social Worker who currently provides professional leadership on a programme to support Social Work students and Newly Qualified Social Workers entering the Social Work Profession.
Born and raised in Jamaica in a Christian family where my father is an ordained Pastor and Deacon who has served for over 50 years in the ministry. My father is also a trained musician and our family can be described as a musical family. I grew up in a small farming community in St. Peter’s, St. Andrew and my parents also have a small farm.
I credit my gift of writing to my father who I watched and listened to over the years as he wrote sermons, poems and other recitals in his capacity in ministry. English has always been an easy subject for me and over the years I have developed an increased interest in writing.
I am a Trainer, I sing and have a passion for worship, the spoken word and the free flow of the prophetic anointing. I am married to my best friend Andrew Christopher Young who is an advanced Musician and whose music you can find on YouTube and Facebook. I am a trained Coach and Mentor and I love experimenting with food so I love cooking. I enjoy trying cultural dishes from across the world and I view food as an entry into cultures and languages.
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August 19, 2022August 19, 2022