Jenny Weaver: Discerning her ‘ministry’

By Elizabeth Prata

Today I’m talking about Jenny Weaver of ‘Jenny Weaver Worships’. She came to my attention when I was asked about her ministry. I looked into it and answered the reader’s query. Then I dug in even further. This is what I discovered.

Jenny Weaver. Youtube profile picture.

Cut to the Chase:

Avoid Jenny weaver. She’s false.

About Jenny

To begin with, who is Jenny Weaver? Weaver has 212,000 followers on Instagram, 167,000 on Facebook, 149,000 subscribers on Youtube. Her events sell out to masses. She became known as Jenny Weaver Worships because she is at root, a musician. She sings the scriptures.

She is said to have spiked a “massive Jesus movement.” But is this movement of Jesus? Let’s look into this ‘massive movement’ (that I never heard of till now).


Jenny, daughter Cameron, and husband Stephen in 2020 thanking God that their ministry is also a business that kept them afloat during the C0vid time. Source Weaver FB Page

Jenny Grew up on the Gulf coast of Florida in a family of 8 with a mother and father who Jenny said were excessively strict and punished at the slightest provocation. They also both used heroin, including when the mother was pregnant with Jenny. Jenny was born addicted. At age 13 her father abandoned the family and the remaining family became severely impoverished.

Subsequently, Jenny was entranced by witchcraft, reading up on Wicca and practicing the witchcraft arts. She says she became so good she could perform telekinesis (ability to move objects by mental power), saying she could extend her hand to a bureau drawer and it would open. Or lights would burst above her and shower down glass when she was talking about the demonic realm.

At age 17 Jenny ran away from home. She began heavy drug use. She couch surfed with a family whose daughter was into the demonic realm via witchcraft, and Jenny circled further down into it. She says she could feel demons all around. Instead of the practice being fun she now began to feel tormented with no escape.

Sometime later she finally quit the witchcraft but continued to be demonically tormented for years, Jenny says. Her drug use continued. When she was 26 she was living with her boyfriend Stephen and addicted to meth. Reaching her lowest point, she screamed for Jesus to help her. She said after that she felt peace.

The help, she says, came 2 days later in the form of arrest and jail. In jail she discovered she was pregnant. She got clean, got prenatal care, got out, married Stephen Weaver, and got saved.

Yet…about that salvation…in her book “The Sound of Freedom: How to Bring the God of the Breakthrough into Your Toughest Struggles“, she says at age 6 she was at a Pentecostal revival and the pastor there singled her out, called her to the front, laid hands on her and she was suddenly slain in the spirit and fell backwards. Getting up off the floor she says she spoke in tongues. Saved then?

And, that at age 7 she was given a vision of Jesus in heaven on his throne. From her book, her own words,

I finally reached the place where Jesus was sitting and He put me up on His lap. Just like a loving Father, He began to talk with me, and He put His hand over my heart. I don’t recall exactly what He said to me, but I do remember feeling safe. I remember feeling loved, and it felt like I was home. I was so ecstatic about the dream. To me it wasn’t just a dream, it was Jesus actually meeting me and encountering me. From that moment I began to see into the supernatural realm.”

And so we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. (2 Peter 1:19).

Saved then? Saved in jail at 26? I understand some people do not know the moment of salvation, but her lifelong experiences with the supernatural realm is likely the reason why she attributes potential demon possession to Christians.

Issue : Demons Everywhere

Nowadays, Jenny’s entire ‘ministry’ is founded on and focuses on trauma and demons. She calls everything a demon. Lonely? It’s a demon of loneliness. Rejected? That’s the demon of rejection. So, issue with Jenny Weaver, her focus on the demonic realm. More on that tomorrow in another essay. Stay tuned, there are some really good perspectives I discovered from The Honest Youth Pastor.

For the record, I don’t deny there are demons out and about, the Bible tells us there are. I also don’t deny some unsaved people in today’s times can be demon possessed. It still happens. However, Jenny claims Christians can also have a demon. She is sometimes vague on this, going back and forth in nebulous language on whether a Christian can have a demon inside ‘guiding’ them or if it’s external oppression. But in two videos I watched she did assert that a Christian can be internally inhabited by a demon, and this is simply not true.

Issue : Lifestyle

As an adult, Jenny Weaver claims to be “a wife and homeschool mother, she believes in building families and communities in the Kingdom of God.” That quote was from her website. It’s obvious that Jenny also believes in building her brand and being a busy entrepreneur.

In 2018 Jenny Weaver started an online mentoring group of about 50 people. She calls it CORE. By 2022, she writes, it exploded in popularity as ‘God’ broke out revival. The curriculum of this now vast training college of 14,000 adherents includes live lessons which are ‘Holy Spirit-led’ and on Mondays students learn “deliverance & spiritual warfare training”. She also started a kids’ program and now trains thousands of kids and teens in the core group.

Below are the businesses and activities Jenny runs and maintains according to her Instagram linktree. And she also homeschools and mothers her daughter? Not sure about this claim. There isn’t enough time in a day to do all that and focus on being the mother Jesus wants a woman with children to be…

So, of her claim to be a “homeschooling mom,” in addition to mothering, she travels for concerts, runs a Business Coaching program that helps with “social media strategies, scaling a business, recreating a cohesive look and “feel” to your brand or business and I even teach how to use systems for organizing and schedule blocking“, develops and sells merchandise, AND runs an CORE academy with 14,000 students, and more. Homeschooling mom? Doubtful.

Issue : Direct Revelation

Jenny says she ‘leads in “Prophetic worship”‘ Nope. When she prophesies it’s false prophecy. These screen shots are from her January 2 prophetic word on Facebook Live. She is praying the Lord’s use of her will be accurate and edifying, and “thus saith the Lord”.

“Thus saith the Lord” is biblical language used in the Old Testament which confirmed the Prophet was of God. Above, Jenny is taking the Lord’s name in vain, blaspheming according to Exodus 20:7, because the Lord is not speaking to her. She is putting words in His mouth He didn’t say. Doing so, kindles His wrath.

Above, Jenny’s January 2 ‘prophetic word’ includes specificity on exactly HOW ‘Jesus’ told her to express His words to the listening audience on her Facebook livestream. Putting words in the Lord’s mouth that He didn’t say is dangerous. False prophets like Jenny will be severely punished.

This is what the LORD of armies says:
“Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you. They are leading you into futility; They tell a vision of their own imagination, Not from the mouth of the LORD.
(Jeremiah 23:16)

I did not send these prophets,
But they ran.
I did not speak to them,
But they prophesied.

Jeremiah 23:21

“The prophets are prophesying lies in My name,” replied the LORD. “I did not send them or appoint them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a false vision, a worthless divination, the futility and delusion of their own minds. (Jeremiah 14:14).

False prophets happened then, it happens now. Prophecy is not occurring in this day and age because the canon is complete. (Revelation 22:18-19; 2 Timothy 3:16). Anyone in these days who claims to have heard directly from the Lord, is is delusional, false, or lying.

Jenny Weaver is a false teacher and a false prophet. All that is left for her (unless she truly repents) is plagues and wrath and punishment, according to the word of God. Avoid Jenny Weaver.

Can a Christian be Demon-possessed?

Charismatic Conference with singer Jenny Weaver encourages children to be slain in the spirit, speak in tongues

Testing Jenny Weaver’s Teachings (18-min video from Learn to Discern). In this video Weaver also says that Christians can be possessed by mind-controlling ‘octopus spirits’.

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