Jesus came to save, heal, and deliver
Jesus came to save, heal, and deliver
By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435
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Mark 6 vs 13
And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them.
- Jesus Christ sent out his disciples in two, gave them powet to preach the gospel of repentance, deliver people from unclean spirit, and to heal the sick.
- We can see in this verse, that the ministry of Jesus Christ is three fold.
- He came to preach the gospel of repentance, to deliver people from unclean spirit, and to heal people from their sicknesses.
- Jesus Christ came to save, deliver, and to heal.’
- Many years ago, when I was in my hotel room in Mombossa, Kenya. Jesus Christ appeared to me and told me He came to save, deliver, and to heal.
- Therefore, anytime you come to the presence of God, to seek God, and cry in the name of Jesus Christ, there are three things that can happen to you.
- Repentance and forgiveness of sin,
- Deliverance from unclean spirit and,
- Healing from sicknesses.
- Anywhere the name of Jesus Christ is being called in faith and in truth, those are the three things that must happen.
- Today, by that same power that Jesus Christ gave his disciples, I decree your salvation and deliverance from evil spirit in Jesus’ name.
- I decree healings from every sicknesses and desease in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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