Jesus says YOU Are Necessary! – The Intertwined Life Podcast, Ep : 81

    “It was necessary for Him to go through Samaria.”

    Why did these words make me cry? Why did a phrase so easily overlooked, seemingly insignificant grab me at my core until my eyes burned and my breath came out in a whispered, “Thank you, Jesus.”

    Friend, YOU are necessary. In this one seemingly unimportant act Jesus proved that what the world may see as a lost cause He considers to be absolutely vital! Join me for this episode as we unpack this tiny line I highlighted many years ago. I truly believe you will find it to be a discovery well worth your time.

    I invite you to join me for “Life in the Highlights,” a truly random journey where we will crack open my Bible and see what truths jump out at us from scripture I have highlighted days, weeks, or even years earlier. This series won’t be predictable or even without interruption. It will undoubtedly be full of fiery detours and inspiring interviews. But in the in-between, we will land together in the increasingly worn pages of my study Bible as we look at life-giving, soul-transforming verses we discover accented in a rainbow of colors.

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    Scripture references mentioned in this episode:

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    My favorite Bible Highlighters

    Just Show Up! A Simple Guide to Stronger Faith, The Intertwined Life Podcast, Ep :49

    *Please note resource links may be affiliate links. I will receive a small percentage from purchases made through them to help compensate for content creation time, effort, and cost. Happy Shopping!

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