Knowing Jesus in His Suffering — Ami Loper


    Having received the following question, I responded via my column in the His Favor Newsletter:

    Dear Ami,

    Do you have any insight on “knowing Jesus in His suffering”?

    Signed, Slightly Scared

    Dear Slightly Scared,

    Well, the answer to this question could cause some waves!

    Having received the following question, I responded via my column in the His Favor Newsletter: Dear Ami, Do you have any insight on “knowing Jesus in His suffering”? Signed, Slightly Scared…. Well, the answer to this question could cause some waves!…

    Having received the following question, I responded via my column in the His Favor Newsletter: Dear Ami, Do you have any insight on “knowing Jesus in His suffering”? Signed, Slightly Scared…. Well, the answer to this question could cause some waves! Are you ready for this one? Come read my response at ! #ChristianBlog

    On the one hand, we are told in Philippians 3:10-11 that we are to “share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.” Scripture also says in 1 Peter 4:13 to “rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.”

    On the other hand, we are to pray in such a way that the Kingdom of God manifests in our lives and those of others so that people are healed and delivered and set free from what would bind them or cause them to suffer.

    So, which is it?

    First, note that in the first verses that seem to encourage suffering, the suffering is always linked to the type of suffering Jesus did. And what kind of suffering did Jesus endure? He endured the suffering of persecution.

    Second, note that in those first verses, rejoicing follows the suffering! In fact, in Acts 5:41, after the apostles had been beaten by the leaders for preaching about Jesus and performing miracles, “they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name.”

    There is a distinct difference in the New Testament between the suffering of persecution and the suffering of the body, mind and soul.

    Let me make this clear: this doesn’t mean that believers never suffer in their bodies or that if they do, they have fallen short in their faith. Neither does it mean that God brings suffering into the lives of people, but He will redeem it for His glory and for our good every time.

    But “knowing Jesus in His sufferings” has more to do with denying yourself, taking up your cross, and following Him (Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23).

    When we suffer for the sake of Christ – when people falsely accuse us or exclude us or ridicule us because of our relationship with Jesus – we enter into the same sort of persecution He endured. Of course, the key is to suffer as He did: willingly and with a heart that forgives and loves.

    There have always been believers who look for suffering, who invite it and wear it as a badge of honor. But we are not called to search out pain and suffering! We are called to enjoy this life that God has given!

    Having received the following question, I responded via my column in the His Favor Newsletter: Dear Ami, Do you have any insight on “knowing Jesus in His suffering”? Signed, Slightly Scared…. Well, the answer to this question could cause some waves! Are you ready for this one? Come read my response at ! #ChristianBlog

    Having received the following question, I responded via my column in the His Favor Newsletter: Dear Ami, Do you have any insight on “knowing Jesus in His suffering”? Signed, Slightly Scared…. Well, the answer to this question could cause some waves! Are you ready for this one? Come read my response at ! #ChristianBlog

    When you are being persecuted, suffer like Christ. And when you are suffering because of the enemy attacking you or because this broken world has brought affliction, pray for and expect the relief that is yours by right because of the cross.

    “For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too” (2 Corinthians 1:5).

    For encouragement when things are hard, read the blog titled, “Still Blessed” by clicking HERE!

    And make sure you get the FREE RESOURCE titled, “4 Ways to Strengthen Yourself in the Lord” by clicking HERE.

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