Lennon, Dylan, Alice, & Jesus: Rock music can have a Christian soul!

There will be three surprises when we get to Heaven. First, some of the people we thought would be there, won’t be. Second, some of the people we never thought would be there, will be. Lastly, we will be there! In my new book, Lennon, Dylan, Alice, & Jesus, I talk more about this. I’m excited to tell you it releases today—find it at your local bookstore, harvest.org, or amazon.com for the Kindle and audio version!
There will be 3 surprises when we get to Heaven- #1 Some of the people we thought would be there won’t be. #2 Some of the people we NEVER thought would be there WILL be there. #3 WE will be there. My new book, “Lennon, Dylan, Alice and Jesus’ ships TODAY. https://t.co/dlsVc3IBxK pic.twitter.com/PbSoLR9DIo
— Greg Laurie (@greglaurie) May 17, 2022
Can you imagine living in the days of Paul? You would have been shocked to learn that Saul of Tarsus, the Christian persecutor, had come to know Jesus Christ. It’s no different today; this book tells of how God reaches unexpected people and gives them an unexpected story.
Has Alice Cooper come to Christ? Is Bob Dylan a Christian? What matters to these stars today? My book explores these questions, peeking into the lives of rock icons and how God fits into them. You may be surprised by what you read!
Perhaps you’re worried about an unbelieving loved one, wondering if they’ll ever find Christ. Sometimes it’s about Christ coming to them. Nobody is beyond God’s reach. Take John Lennon, infamous for his song “imagine there’s no heaven.” You’d be surprised about all that’s revealed about him in the book; he was more open to spiritual things than you may have thought. In the same way, God can work in the lives of those who don’t know Him yet and bring them to Him.
Rock stars are people, just like us. God follows them, you, and those you love relentlessly and lovingly—no matter the look of a personal story. I pray this book brings you encouragement and reminds you to never give up on someone or stop praying for them.
Get your copy of Lennon, Dylan, Alice, & Jesus at your local bookstore, harvest.org, and amazon.com