Let’s Talk About It…Christian creatives

In today’s society the term ‘creative’ and ‘influencer’ have become buzzwords among the young adult population and especially in the Christian realm. What exactly does it really mean though? We have the awesome Olamide from ‘Naija Girl Talks’ podcast to shed some light on this topics and share her thoughts.

Check it out and don’t forget to comment your thoughts and share your views! Also connect with Olamide and check out ‘Naija Girl Talks’ podcast on all streaming platforms!

This week’s topic is on Being a Christian creative

Let's Talk About It (5)

1. How would you define the term ‘Christian creative’ ?

I define a “Christian Creative” as a person who has a gifting that is common to man, but relies on God to be inspired, empowered and enabled by the Holy Spirit to really reach their full potential. A creative that uses their gift to glorify God in whatever arena they are called to.

2. What are some of the ways you think you embody this in your own personal life? How do you feel you embody the ‘Christian Creative’ label?

I remember when “Christian Creative” was a big thing with artist like Lecrae and SPZRKT saying that they aren’t Christian Artists. I didn’t get what the big deal was with them denouncing the title. But now I get it. People assume a Christian Creative only operates in the realm of the church and only creates for the benefit of the body. But that’s not true. For me, I embody a Christian Creative by intersecting my gifts and my faith. The two are not mutually exclusive. There is a synergy between them.

3. What are some of your biggest achievements as a Christian Creative?

I think one of my biggest achievement as a Christian Creative is landing marketing jobs and clients despite having a Public Health background. It’s literally one of my biggest finesse. Everything I learned has been through the power of God and Google’s search engine. Hallelujah! Another achievement as a Christian Creative is starting to two brands (Urban Disciple and Naija Girl Talks) that have impacted believers and unbelievers. The fact that I yielded myself past my doubt and insecurities to be used by God to influence my generation is something I hold dear to me.


4. What are some of your struggles as a Christian creative?

The same as everyone: Comparison

5. How does your faith impact or direct your work as a Christian creative?

Because I understand that my gift came from the Lord and He has qualified me, it gives me the confidence that He is my spokesman when I walk into new territories. Also, my faith directs my work as a Christian creative by governing what creative project I take on. All money is not good money. So because I believe my gifts come from the Lord, I desire to use it to please the Lord.

6. Do your creative outlets help you in achieving your purpose? How?

I think so. On my podcast and blog, I am able to proclaim the Kingdom of God in all arenas by preaching the word of God and share life lessons.

7. What are some tips you would share with other young adults trying to transition successfully into the creative space?

Tip #1: Be yourself. Read that again.

Tip #2: Know the talent God has given you and multiple it. Don’t bury it

Tip #3: Glorify the Lord with your gifts.

8. Lastly, what are some resources (bible verses, podcasts, apps, books etc ) that help you as a Christian Creative to steer you toward purpose?


Exodus 31:1-6, Proverbs 12:24, Psalm 45:1, Proverbs 18:16, Matthew 25:14-30

Resource page

Thank you Olamide for sharing your thoughts and views!

Olamide Iyanda is a blogger, podcaster and social media and content strategist, based in the DMV in the United States. She surrendered her life to God on February 10, 2012. Ever since then, she has been on a wild pursuit of Him!

Check out her social media pages; Instagram, Blog, Podcast


Mo 🙂

A young woman on a mission to discovering purpose, to inspire growth and contribute to the Kingdom mandate. On the blog we are all about learning and growing and this is done through writing on topics from Faith, Education, Music, Food, Travel and so much more… (Romans 12:2)
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