Letting God be our strength - Today Can Be Different

What’s your favorite verse? The one you go to when your insides scream, “Father, help me handle this!”? 

I love Psalm 18 from the English Standard Version of the Bible. It’s a powerful passage with a beautiful first verse:

I love you, O Lord, my strength.

Every time I read this Psalm, I linger on this verse for a long while. I can’t seem to read it without tears flowing down my cheeks, especially when I repeat the words over and over again. “I love You, O Lord, my strength.” 

David wrote Psalm 18 after God delivered him from huge trials. I’m convinced God had me in mind when he inspired David to write this Psalm. Do you feel the same way?

As you read this portion of Scripture, consider how the verses relate to the issues you’re facing. You might even want to journal some of your thoughts.

Write about the times you witnessed God’s strength when you felt overwhelmed or threatened. The times God made you strongerstronger than you ever thought possible – to face a crisis or unfair circumstances at home, work or school. 

Recall how thankful you were each time God answered your prayer for discernment, energy or “more hours in a day.” How relieved you felt each time you felt God’s intervention. 

How have these experiences changed your relationship with the God of all strength? Think about how differently your life might have turned out if you hadn’t experienced God’s presence. 

What would you have done without His mighty strength? How would you cope if His power wasn’t available to you today?

Consider meditating on Psalm 18 to gain a different perspective on the stresses of your life. Watch how pondering the verses gives you the strength you need. 

Let’s pray: 

Father, I love You from the deepest part of my being. Thank You for the times you’ve given me Your strength just when I needed it. Now, Lord, please strengthen me again.

This week’s Practical Application:

Throughout the day, tell God, “I love You, O Lord, my strength.” Let Him make you stronger. Stronger than you ever thought possible.

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