8 Responses

    1. Thank you, Wanda! Less of me and more of HIM🙌❣️🙌❣️

    2. Hi Wanda, I just subscribed. You don’t know me so I understand if you don’t have time to read this. I am 68, I’ve known Yeshua for 45 years, and I love teaching the Scripture and learning about the first century. (That is me in a nutshell 🙂 I wonder if you would be so kind as to read this dream and let me know if it resonates with you. I want to put it out to my subscribers but feel I need confirmation. I dream almost every night in vivid color. But only “once in a blue moon” does a dream seem to come directly from Him with an immediate interpretation. That happened January 1, 2025. (FYI, I don’t watch video game, horror movies, R movies, etc., so, the images of the dream were not familiar to me. Here is the dream:
      I was in the middle of a field surrounded by buildings all around. The buildings were far away, perhaps a mile away. They were different heights and gray. I heard gunshots that became bombs when they hit the buildings. Each building exploded as the shots were fired. The small guns were so powerful, you could shoot from a far distance away and still get on target easily. You could explode an entire building with just one gentle pull of the trigger. Someone (I didn’t see them) was showing me how to use the gun. I shot it, and a huge building exploded. I was amazed by the utter power and unbelievably destruction. So, I stopped and the dream was over.

      When I awoke, I thought, “AI.” The message – “As much as lies within you, don’t touch it.” The one application I have so far is: there are videos that people share with words and stories. The voices are monotonous and artificial. They are often good, spiritual, Christian stories and testimonies, but we must stay away from the sound of these voices. Something in the tone of the voices will desensitize us even if the info is good. We have to cherish and preserve our sensitivity to His voice in these last days.

      I don’t have a lot of information about AI or even social media. But I’ve noticed that the images even Christians use for their podcasts and ministries are inhuman with demonic undertones that are not easily recognizable. I don’t want to look at them. Some Christians say they will use the technology for good. I, though, think we should stay away as far as I am able to discern. The sounds and images are inhuman, insidious, desensitizing, and highly destructive requiring only little effort to “shoot”. Thank you for your time if you made it this far!

      1. This is Beth Ann. I apologize. I did not realize this would be posted. I thought it would be private. I guess I have to learn!

        1. Thanks for sharing, Beth. I would agree that AI can definitely be a tool of the enemy. I don’t know if I’m ready to discount all of it, yet, but I do see the dangers. It’s a topic worthy of prayer and discernment, for sure. And that may be a message from your dream – God showing you the spiritual authority you have to overturn the devil’s agenda. Just one prayer with His authority on it can demolish strongholds!! 🙂 Blessings!

    3. Amen and amen! Thank you for the encouragement! Blessings!

    4. Beth Ann, I’m71. I too have heard the voice of the Lord through the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is the heart of God which testifies of God’s truth.

      I’m not a dreamer but I’ve always known its voice, and have always followed what is told, directed, protected, and provided for.
      I’m learning that I can Trust only HIM.
      I’m always leaning in, relying on, trusting Him.
      I just was called out from among a cult; 5th generation & I put two more generations in this occultist group before He set me aside and taught me. I’m a baby in knowledge, but I TRUST HIM, HIS WORD.

      I loved your dream and your interpretation of it. When the deep shaking comes and even through the AI. It’s dangerous because Satan again beguile us as He DID & DOES
      I see it as part of the distraction from HIM, so that the voices that can come in like a tsunami. Take our strength, hope, and trust.
      Thank you,

    5. Beth Ann, I’m71. I too have heard the voice of the Lord through the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is the heart of God which testifies of God’s truth.

      I’m not a dreamer but I’ve always known HIS voice, and have always followed what is told, directed, protected, and provided for, and warned.
      I’m learning that I can Trust only HIM.
      I’m always leaning in, relying on, trusting Him.
      I just was called out from among a cult; 5th generation & I put two more generations in this occultist group before He set me aside and taught me. I’m a baby in knowledge, but I TRUST HIM, HIS WORD.

      I loved your dream and your interpretation of it. When the deep shaking comes and even through the AI. It’s dangerous because Satan again beguile us as He DID & DOES
      I see it as part of the distraction from HIM, so that the voices that can come in like a tsunami. Take our strength, hope, and trust.
      Thank you,

    6. Very Well Said and thank you 🙏

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