Lord Jesus, Thanks for the Healing I Receive from the Wounds You Suffered. - Booty and Treasures fer All!

“Lord Jesus, thank you for the health and healing you bring to me.” – Jeremiah 33:6

“Lord, thank you for giving me abundant peace and security.” – Jeremiah 33:6

“Lord Jesus, thank you for all your benefits: forgiveness, healing, protection, provision, guidance, peace, strength, wisdom, eternal life with You and Jesus, grace, mercy, love, joy, comfort, hope, righteousness, redemption, reconciliation, the Holy Spirit’s presence and power, adoption as your child, victory over sin and death, fellowship with other believers, a divine purpose and calling, answered prayers, and abundant life in Christ. Thank you for forgiving my sins and healing my diseases.” – Psalm 103:2-3

“Lord Jesus, thank you for being the one true God who brings life and healing. Thank you for delivering me from all harm.” – Deuteronomy 32:39

“Lord Jesus, thank you for your light that shines upon me, bringing full health and righteousness. Thank you for being my glory and protection.” – Isaiah 58:8

“Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me Your faith to believe and obey your word and commands. Thank you for protecting me from diseases. You are my healer and hope.” – Exodus 15:26

“Lord Jesus, thank you for bearing my pain and suffering in your body. Thank you that by your wounds I am healed. Thank you for your sacrifice on the cross, for your blood that provides a better covenant, and for defeating all spirits of sickness so that I may be healed and live life to the fullest.” – Isaiah 53:4-5

“Lord Jesus, according to your will and ways, you bring abundant life, riches, and health. Thank you for restoring my body and granting me a full and fruitful life.” – Isaiah 38:16

“Lord Jesus, thank you for hearing my cries in times of distress and despair. I know you always hear me, for I am your child and you hear my prayers. Thank you for saving me from my troubles and healing me by your word.” – Psalm 107:19-20

“Lord Jesus, thank you for the healing and peace you give me. Like the woman who touched your garment in faith, you make me whole. Thank you.” – Mark 5:34

“Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me the power to cast out suffering, weaknesses, and illnesses through the Holy Spirit in your name. Thank you for using me as a channel for your healing.” – Matthew 10:1

“Lord Jesus, thank you that when I am faint and in agony, your mercy sustains me. Thank you for making me whole and restoring my strength.” – Psalm 6:2

“Lord Jesus, thank you for sustaining me in sickness. According to your promises, thank you for restoring me from my bed of illness.” – Psalm 41:3

“Lord Jesus, thank you for allowing my words from You to be gracious and for using them to bring healing to others. Thank you for letting my words reflect your love and compassion.” – Proverbs 16:24

“Lord Jesus, thank you for drawing me near during times of brokenness. Thank you for saving me from depression and dark thoughts and lifting me into your loving arms.” – Psalm 34:18

“Lord Jesus, thank you for your word that heals and restores me. Thank you for bringing prosperity to my soul and life to my body.” – Solomon 16:12

“Lord Jesus, thank you for being my comfort and strength during difficult times. Thank you for guiding me with your rod and staff: both provide protection and direction. Your rod defends me against dangers and keeps me safe from harm. Your staff gently leads me on paths of righteousness, providing support and comfort. Together, they ensure that I am shielded from harm and always close to you.” – Psalm 23:4

Lord Jesus, thank you for the healing that comes as I honor your name and stand on your promises, bringing light and restoration into my life.” – Malachi 4:2

“Lord Jesus, thank you for being my strength and stamina when my flesh and heart fail. Thank you for being my eternal portion.” – Psalm 73:26

“Lord Jesus, thank you for your peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you for keeping my heart from trouble and bringing healing to my body.” – John 14:27

“Lord Jesus, thank you for allowing your healing power to flow through me as I confess my sins and pray for others.” – James 5:16

“Lord Jesus, thank you for being my strength and salvation. Thank you for rescuing me from distress and being my refuge.” – Isaiah 33:2

“Lord Jesus, thank you for your promises that give me life and comfort in my affliction. Thank you for sustaining me through all trials.” – Psalm 119:50

“My Father, thank you for the assurance that Jesus’ Spirit lives in my heart, granting me His power and authority. Thank you for meeting all my needs through Your boundless riches in heaven. Thank you for providing shelter and provision in every aspect of my life.” – Philippians 4:19

“Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me a healing heart that brings comfort and joy to others. Thank you for lifting my spirit in your presence.” – Proverbs 17:22

“Lord Jesus, thank you for your words that bring life and healing to me. Thank you for guiding me in paths of righteousness and wholeness, restoration and health.” – Proverbs 4:20-22

“Lord Jesus, thank you for your word that heals me when a spirit of sickness comes against me. Thank you for the prayers of the elders and the anointing with oil in your name.” – James 5:14

“Lord Jesus, thank you for giving sight to my spiritual blindness. Thank you for lifting me up and comforting me with your righteous love.” – Psalms 146:8

“Lord Jesus, thank you for blessing my food and water. Thank you for removing all sickness from me and allowing me to walk in health and strength.” – Exodus 23:25

“Lord Jesus, thank you for strengthening and upholding me with your righteous right hand in my fear and weakness. Thank you for revealing your glory, power, compassion, and love to me.” – Isaiah 41:10

“Lord Jesus, thank you for granting me good health and prosperity. Thank you for allowing my soul to prosper and for all things to go well with me according to your will.” – 3 John 1:2


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