By: Pastor E.A Adeboye
Memorise: “Which in time past was to thee unprofitable, but now profitable to thee and to me” (Phil 11)

Read: Philippians 3:7-14

Demonic forces can go ahead to hinder you, but God will give you victory over them. Besides, God can cause whatever has been on your trail from behind to fall down and give way. In Exodus 14:1-4, the Egyptians preferred to attack the Israelites from behind. While pursuing them, God was not unaware of their devices. Never be intimidated by the pursuit of your enemies. The hindrances some believers will have to contend with is a blast from their past.

Certain ugly things they did may haunt them to the present, and may even attempt to hinder their future joy. Many believers have brought their sorrowful past to spoil present moments. And if unchecked, they can lose their future too! Esau’s past haunted him until it caught up with him and robbed him of a bright future. He lost his double portion blessing and opportunity of being the head of the children of Israel to his past (Heb 12:16-17). Similarly, in Genesis 49:1-4 , Reuben, Jacob’s first born, was stripped of his first-born portion because his past caught up with him and ruined his future. 

Philippians 2:19-3:11 - Springs Lighthouse

Some believers may be doing well until their past catches up with them. Then the story takes a different turn. The good news is that God is able to arrest the forces from your past and deal with them before they catch up with you. Are you already becoming a victim of your past? The Lord will intervene and deliver you in Jesus’ Name.

When people read today’s passage, they adopt a general attitude towards their past – forget the past. Apostle Paul could forget the past because he had taken several corrective steps since he met the Lord. As an unbeliever, he excelled in persecuting believers in Christ. He became Satan’s right hand man through whom the kingdom of darkness attempted to terminate the Christian faith. But after he received Jesus, he had to forgo all he counted important.

He willingly gave up his will, personal pursuit and life’s ambition for God’s. He made the search for God his number one priority. He dropped his self-righteousness and fully wore the righteousness of Christ. He began to sow seeds of righteousness that would counter negative seeds of the past. Yet he knew what he suffered. What have you done to check your past? If you stole, forgetting that you stole cannot help, but returning what you stole to the rightful owner can help.

Examine your negative past and ask the Lord what you can do to undo them before they catch up with you. Obey whatever He tells you!

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