Love 1

    Posted by: Frank Walker LMFT | January 20, 2017

    Love 1


    Day 1

    Nehemiah 13:26

    … There was no King like him, and he was loved by his God…

    God loved Solomon. Despite the King’s downfall mentioned in the rest of the verse; there was no other King like Solomon.

    What would it look like to walk around in the world knowing you were loved by God?

    How would you act, react, and conduct your daily business? How would people know that you were “God loved”? Would you be wealthy and famous? Not necessarily, however knowing you are loved by God would surely put a little spring in your step.

    Being God loved would make the days a little sunnier. Solomon was loved by God and guess what, you like Solomon are loved by God. Things are no different for you. God loves you check out John 3:16 for starters.

    If you are like Solomon, loved by God, then how is your life different from the rest of the world’s people?

    How can our friends and family tell that the love of God is in you? You have got to be different if you know and believe that God loves you. Therein lies the problem, our doubt, our lack of faith get in the way of God’s loving touch in our lives.

    Stuff happens to us and it rocks our foundations a little bit. We waver, we get frightened and we doubt. Know this, believe this, God loves you always and forever. Whatever happens to you God’s love for you will never change. Despite circumstances, changes or losses God loves you. Like Solomon there is no one like you and God loves you.

    1. What have you been doing lately to show you love God?

    2. How has God’s love for you, been reflected in your day today?

    3. Start with a smile on your face. Maybe even a silly grin. God is a God of happiness so show it.

    This is an excerpt from my book,

    Frank J Walker LMFT

    1617 Main Street

    Cambria, Ca. 93428



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