Maddening Disbelief of Others - Divorce Minister

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For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

-Luke 8:17, NIV

Discovering infidelity is disorienting.

What a faithful spouse needs are clear heads. What a faithful spouse does NOT need is someone feeding their disbelief over the cheating.

An innocent explanation of hundreds of texts exchanged between one’s spouse and a potential romantic interest at 1 AM in the morning is unlikely to exist.

Faithful spouses are generally disposed to assume the best of their spouse. We do NOT want to believe our spouse would risk our well-being lying and cheating on us for months, if not years!

This is another reason to BELIEVE a faithful spouse when he or she comes to the conclusion from the evidence that they are married to a cheater.

It is incredibly frustrating and maddening trying to convince others of the infidelity when the evidence is truly obvious. And we DO need someone to actually believe us if we are to heal and “move on.”

Reality–including this awful reality–needs validation. We need validation from someone that we aren’t crazy but have come to a rational conclusion about our spouse’s illicit activity.

I am thankful for those who did that for me. The no-nonsense assessment of my cheater’s behavior was what I needed to start the journey from being played to claiming a new and better life.

What I did NOT need was the maddening disbelief of others!

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