Married People are Happier…

Posted by: Frank Walker LMFT | March 29, 2024

Married People are Happier…

Married people are happier than single adults: survey

April Rubin

Money can’t buy happiness, the old adage says. But maybe combining it with marriage can help.

Why it matters: 

Marital status is a stronger predictor of American adult wellbeing than education, race, age and gender, according to newly released data from the Institute for Family Studies and Gallup.

Last year, married adults between 25 and 50 years old were 17 percentage points more likely to be thriving than adults who never married.

Household income adjustment has the biggest sway on wellbeing for individuals, and typically rises after marriage when a couple pools their resources.

The intrigue: 

Demographic differences don’t explain the higher prevalence of happiness across relationship status, the research found.

Married women and men both see a 20-percentage-point advantage compared to unmarried same-sex peers.

“A married adult who did not attend high school evaluates life higher, on average, than an unmarried adult with a graduate degree, after adjusting for gender, race, and age,” the report said.

Between the lines: 

Marriage, as an institution or relationship, isn’t necessarily the source of happiness.

People with character attributes linked to happiness, like agreeableness, emotional stability and conscientiousness, may be more likely to seek out marriage, according to Gallup.

Even when controlling for household income, “married people remain significantly more likely to be thriving,” the report said.

Frank J Walker LMFT-retired

Frank is a retired marriage counselor living on the central coast.

Check out all his blogposts at

and check his YouTube channel

“A Marriage Minute”

@ Frank Walker LMFT


Frank has written several books that are available @

Frank is an artist with 31 years of teaching experience.

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