“…‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’…”

-Matthew 19:5b, NKJV

Even during the separation from my first wife, I understood this. I did not have a problem with the institution itself. My problem was with one particular, character-less individual.

A danger of experiencing marital infidelity is to turn on the opposite sex and the institution of marriage.

I think this is a fairly normal grief response. We are in pain and our marriage partner is the source of that. However, it is easier to blame an institution–or a whole gender–than it is to lay it at the feet of the REAL culprit, our partner.

Hopefully, this is only a season for you.

All women are NOT like your cheater. All men are NOT like your cheater. All marriages are NOT doom to such betrayal as you experienced.

There is hope for something better!

I know as I have experienced this better. In a few short months, Mrs. DM and I will be celebrating 10 years married! That is longer than I was married to Cheater.

It can and does get better. We do not have to settle for the abuse from our cheater.

Divorce without shame (see Mt 19:9) and move on to your brighter destiny!