Mountains or Molehills

Posted by: Frank Walker LMFT | October 24, 2019

Mountains or Molehills

mountains or mole hills

Sometimes little bumps in the road seem insurmountable.

Sometimes the little stuff overwhelms us.

But most of the time the little things become big things not because they are big but because of what is going on in our head.

We make the little things big. We think the little things can’t be done or can’t be overcome.

Mole hills can become mountains. But you have to get over them in exactly the same way as you would a mountain.

You have a choice with mole hills and mountains.

You can go over them, through them or around them.

All of the choices can be difficult but all of the choices are doable.

It may take time, effort and courage but you can conquer the mole hills and mountains in your life.

The very first task though is to conquer the negative thinking in your head and heart.

Mountains can become mole hills and mole hills can become bigger than they are just in the way we are thinking about them.

Frank J Walker LMFT-retired

Frank is a retired marriage counselor living on the central coast.

Check out all his blogposts at

and check his YouTube channel

“A Marriage Minute”

@ Frank Walker LMFT


Frank’s has written several books that are available @


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