Movie "Divorce Corp." Reflections - Divorce Minister

And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 

And he cried and said, “Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.”

But Abraham said, “Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.”

-Luke 16:23-25 KJV (quotation marks added)

2014-07-31 20.05.24

Last night, Mrs. DM and I watched a documentary entitled “Divorce Corp.” on Netflix that exposed the family court system in the United States. The documentary’s material kept us up later than usual due to how discouraging, angering, and saddening it was. The corruption, exploitation, and abuses of power are so gross that it is hard to believe this is happening in modernity.

One thinks you are watching a documentary about bribery, extortion, and corruption in a third world country. It certainly does not seem possible this could be happening in the United States’ legal system.

But it is.

And it is downright evil.*

Here’s a trailer to this documentary:

Here’s another clip from the movie:

Here’s another clip:

And here is another:

And one final one:

What is disgusting in this is how judges, attorneys, and custody evaluators enrich themselves and stroke their egos at the expense of the children and vulnerable parents in these situations.

As the documentary points out, no recourse is left for the exploited and victimized. It is a system that is run by the rich and corrupt. And they protect their own even when they are egregiously wrong.

In my pastoral opinion, an especially hot place in Hell is reserved for people who willingly exploit their positions of authority–not to mete out justice and protect the innocent but–to extort people at the cost of the vulnerable and their children. It is absolutely sickening that this is happening.

These individuals may become rich. They may be allowed to get away with such gross injustice in this life. However, they best not become too smug.

A reckoning is coming.

They are trading temporary riches and comfort in this world–like the Rich Man in Luke 16–for torment in the eternal next. Jesus is clear that justice will reign one day or another.

These family court judges and attorneys may be powerful now…

But they are not God.

That job title is already taken.

It is best for their souls they realize that now and act accordingly before it is too late.

* I highly encourage other pastors, chaplains, and church leaders to watch this documentary. This is an “excellent” example of institutional evil where the problem is a whole system that Satan is using to destroy families and communities dealing out gross injustice and destruction.

Any true follower of Christ ought to be concerned about such evil operating freely in his world. This is what the Kingdom of Darkness looks like in action! Remember: Those who are aligned with Christ are aligned with His mission: “But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil.” (I John 3:8b, NLT)

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