Must-See Interview with Palestinian Christian

I know this is a few weeks old, but I had to share. Please watch this if you think that Christians should always support Israel. A Jew is not one outwardly, but inwardly. Christians are the true Israel in spirit and truth because the former was cut off because of their unbelief. Chrisrian Zionism is modern-day support of “those who say they are Jews and are not but lie,” and this doctrine is a deception of Satan. More to come on this doctrine, Lord willing.

Also, pray that the antisemitism bill does not pass in the Senate. Look into it if you have not. It is very anti-Christian and certainly unconstitutional. We already have laws in place to protect against discrimination. We should never hate or persecute or discriminate. Period. That is not what this misleading bill is really about. Also, more on that to come, Lord willing.

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