Names of God and their meanings

Names of God and their meanings

Posted on January 15, 2009 Updated on January 14, 2009

Memorise: “Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?” (Exodus 15:11)

Read: Genesis 17:1-4

 Pastor E. Adeboye

Blessings come in different shapes and sizes. The form of a blessing determines how both the beneficiary and those around the fellow will respond to it. Ordinary blessings elicit regular responses. Special blessings provoke surprise responses, while extraordinary blessings provoke fear. When Peter got his net-breaking catch of fishes after a fruitless search, he was frightened (Luke 5:9).

When the paralytic man was healed and he took his bed and started walking home in joy, everyone who saw him was afraid (Matthew 9:1-8). “God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him” (Psalm 67:7) Psalm 67:5-7 says there are certain blessings that would frighten the world when they come. All God wants you to do to get such is to praise Him. The Lord will release a fear provoking blessing on you this season in Jesus’ Name.

“And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect” (Genesis 17:1). People, particularly Nigerians are in love with names and titles. This has made some to modify or enlarge their names.

For instance, the one who is called Ade at birth further modifies it to ‘Adesco’. My best man during my wedding also enlarged his name. Nigerians love big, long names. God also has a strong love for names and titles.

Unlike the meaningless names or titles some Nigerians bear, each of God’s names or titles is meaningful, purposeful and can affects the destiny of men. Each of God’s names provides a solution to an earthly problem, and serves as a haven of rest and safety.

In today’s reading, He is called the Almighty – the One who has all powers. He renders powerless those who call themselves powerful. He is so full of power that there is nothing He cannot do (Luke 1:37). Power is that vital virtue or ingredient that is required to turn an unpleasant situation into a desired outcome.

God is full of this quality, hence in Ezekiel 37:1-10, a valley full of dead, dry bones became a strong and virile army. As the Almighty, He has the final say now and in eternity. What is that challenge in your life? The Lord will turn it around for good today in Jesus’ Name.

 The implication is that if you have the Almighty God in you, you will become as unlimited as He is, and His power will work through you. To what extent have you allowed Him to work through you? Invite Him to manifest His awesome power in you today.

All believers in Christ have a measure of God’s power. But while some are insulators, others are conductors of the power. Which are you?

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