No real accountability with Ravi Zacharias "investigation" - Divorce Minister

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“I asked Barron at the beginning of our call whether her firm would be publishing the results of its investigation or giving the report to RZIM. Barron replied that the report would go to RZIM….”

-Julie Roys in “Investigation Into Ravi Zacharias’ Alleged Misconduct Excludes Sexting Scandal”

RZIM hires a firm to look into the sexual misconduct allegations against Ravi Zacharias. However, they do not commit to having the report shared publicly. I wonder why?

For alleged lovers of truth, this is an odd stance to take on such an explosive matter.

Jesus teaches His followers that those who walk in the light welcome the light (see John 3:21). This means that those who employ darkness–like not committing to full disclosure of findings–likely are not lovers of the truth and light in reality.

“But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”

-John 3:21, NIV

I believe this is a “show investigation” because keeping the lid on the report is a way to control the narrative.

Selective information can be leaked at the end to protect the institution as opposed to coming clean over what actually happened. This gives the institution the benefit of looking like they did an investigation without real accountability.

This “investigation” gives those donors and supporters who love RZIM a way to keep supporting the organization:

They did an investigation that didn’t find anything serious. Why are you still so stuck on those “discredited” attacks on Ravi Zacharias? See how that works.

Hopefully, that is not how this plays out in the end. However, this article quoted above from Julie Roys suggests that is the trajectory of this matter right now.

Another important thing that Roys highlights is the lack of curiosity as to the truth regarding Lori Anne Thompson’s allegations. This does not bode well for a truly thorough and honest investigation.

I find it especially sad this organization–which I had once greatly admired–is so unwilling to do a real and open investigation and thereby demonstrate real commitment to the truth that they allegedly love.

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