One Key Element in Successful Church Revitalization - Ron Edmondson

I have learned there is usually one key element found in a successful church revitalization.

A sense of desperation

I’m not saying it can’t be done without this. But there needs to be some level of understanding that this needs to improve and we can’t keep doing the same things. Until you get to that point people will be resistant to the change that needs to happen. They will blame it on other factors rather than the real factors.

I have worked with dozens of churches – several of them “on the ground” and in a seat of leadership. This is coming from an experience of reality.

In one of the churches where I served as pastor, we had toxic business meetings. (I know that surprises some of my pastor friends.) I knew and told several key leaders that until some influential people were willing to stand up to the “rabble rousers” nothing was going to change. We needed people that loved the church so much they became desperate enough to have hard conversations. It was a key to successful revitalization.

By the way, you can’t force this, but you can certainly cast vision towards it. I’m not claiming this is easy, but begin with influencers and people you trust helping them understand how desperately things need to change – and pray they catch the sense of desperation.

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