Organizational Problem-Solving For Get’er Done Leaders
Organizational problem-solving for Get’er Done Leaders is an ongoing job requirement. Identify the problem. Figure out how to fix it. And Get’er done.
If only it was that simple. Like a DIY problem-solving repair kit. A plug and play solution generator. A fix-it Frank formula.
What I have learned in my years as a ministry and team leader in a church organization is that organizational problems and their solutions generally fall into one of these three categories.
Organizational Problem-Solving That Requires A Person
Some problems require someone with the right skill set to make a repair.
If your faucet is leaking, the skill set is plumbing. Maybe you need a professional. Maybe an experienced handyman.
Of course, not all problems are that straight forward. If the budget is out of whack, do you need an accountant, finance specialist or investment advisor to address it?
And today, IT covers such a broad spectrum you may go through several IT experts to solve your enigma. Therefore, identifying the right skill set is not always so obvious. And the biggest challenge?
Finding the right match.
It might be one of your team members, the team member from another department, a volunteer if you’re a non-profit, or an outside contractor.
Organizational Problem-Solving That Requires Technology
Innovative technology changes in a blink. Master one software package, a new one replaces it, and you’re relearning everything. A never ending process since what you buy this week is obsolete the next.
And you can grow overly enamored with technology. But the saying, “there’s an app for that,” is often, more true than naught.
So pay attention to new developments, but don’t buy the latest thing just because it’s cool and hip. Know the what and why for the technology you invest in.
As I built a church sports ministry, I decided video would be a great way to market programs to the congregation.
So I bought a DSLR camera, modestly priced editing software, and learned how to create and post videos on social media. Interest grew and participation increased. As a result, I was able to build several intramural sports leagues that engaged hundreds of people within the church and attracted new people from outside the church. I explain the entire methodology in my book How To Build A Church Intramural Sports League.
Organizational Problem-Solving That Requires A System Or Process
Technology is wonderful, but doesn’t solve every problem. It may be the cumbersome system or process you’re using. Are you still physically printing and mailing a paper newsletter? Publishing an e-newsletter will save you time and money.
Is one person responsible for a critical job assignment that takes all day to complete? Maybe a team would be more efficient and cost-effective.
Sometimes the most under used resource is your brain. And the most valuable process…thinking. Because along with working hard, a Get’er Done Leader also works smart. Regularly reviews systems and processes. And considers how to improve them.
I have a special fondness for the question–what if?
What if I tried this? Did that? Made an adjustment here? Changed it there?
Improved processes don’t always involve expensive technology. Sometimes it’s changing things around to make them better.
Hopefully as you solve organizational problems with people, technology and systems or processes, you’re doing more than fixing a problem. You’re making your organization better than it was before the problem.
About Chip Tudor:
Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.