Someone recently sent me a portion of Robin Bullock’s latest word that he shared on Elijah Streams. I haven’t really followed Robin much lately, but a portion of his word really stuck out to me. Especially since he has usually highlighted the importance of prophets in the past few years. In this word, he points to the PASTORS as being the key in this hour – and key in this election. He uses the story of David and Goliath as the illustration of a shepherd killing a giant:

“This is a giant genetically made election we are dealing with. It’s all about trans-genderism, homosexuality, identifying with anybody you want to…any animal you want to….have sex with anything you want to….This is what we’re facing.”

“God’s people are afraid to confront it. They are afraid they will be made a fool of in front of everybody. But here is the key. Shepherds are the key to this election. The shepherds. The PASTORS. I don’t care if they have but a few sheep. The shepherd is the key because giants fear shepherds. The genetically altered giant system is scared of pastors.”

“The prophet anoints, but the pastors kill giants. It’s shepherds that kill giants, not prophets. Prophets bring the word of heaven, but pastors kill giants.”

I wholeheartedly agree with this word. I’ve been saying for the past two years that it is the church that needs to pave the way for breakthrough in this nation. And that means it’s leadership. That’s why church leaders have been hit so hard lately and under intense scrutiny. But even as God continues to clean His house of hirelings and wolves, so is He calling on the true fivefold leaders in the Body of Christ to step up and lead. And though every “office” has its function, pastors are the majority in this nation. They are the ones who disciple the flock and train in righteousness. They are the ones who carry God’s heart for the sheep and the anointing to protect and defend. It is when they step up and lead the way that the people will follow.

I’ve attached below, a PDF prayer guide I made several years ago for Pastoral Leadership in This Nation. Robin also shared a prayer he wrote for pastors, which I’ll also include. Let’s pray that our pastors find the courage and boldness of David in this hour and decide to step up. Let’s pray their hearts are gripped by a zeal of the Lord to defy the enemy and declare God’s word. They will likely face much accusation – especially from their own brethren – but the giant must come down. Let’s get behind them and then follow their example.


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