Reading God’s Word Every Day

Many of us do not seem to have time for God or His Word.  We must remember that Christian workers are
not exempt from difficulties and temptations.  The psalmist says, “I have hidden your Word
in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
(Psalm 119:11)  The Lord instructed His people to, “Do not
let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night,
so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.”
(Joshua 1:8)

This command applies to us as God’s appointed servants. Therefore the reading and meditation of His
written Word is as important and essential as one’s breath.  This is where we hear God’s voice concerning
our lives and ministry.  Personal Bible
Study is an unhurried meditation of any given portion of Scripture.  It is not an intellectual exercise, but a
personal exposure and response to the Living Word.  The purpose is to receive direction and blessing
from God.

Meditation is not dependent on a set method of study, but
is always enhanced by them.  It requires certain
techniques and disciplines like a specific time and a thirst to read God’s Word
in order to be increasingly fruitful; we must make sure that other activities do
not crowd out the study of God’s Word.  Personal,
systematic study of the Bible is allowing oneself the joy of discovering the
truth for ourselves. Only then, the
truth becomes more significant, is retained longer and stimulates effective
Christian living.

When we read the Bible, we can hear God’s quiet voice
with clarity and authority.  Only then
would we be able to praise Him for who He is, do His will in our personal,
family and ministerial lives and have a purposeful and fruitful life for the

As Christians, we have a unique role to play in showing
who God is through our lives so as to impact the church and community we live
in.  The task requires much power and
strength.  For the battle is not with “flesh
and blood.”
(See Ephesians 6:12)  This is
only possible if we sit at His feet to know Him and His Word, and draw strength
from it.

Dig deeper, grow stronger and soar higher.


Russ Sharrock has been in ministry for 23
years as Pastor, Church Planter, Bible Teacher and Missionary. In 2019 he
founded Vanguard Ministries International. Prior to accepting God’s call into ministry,
he was a professional photographer, and over the years co-authored three
newspaper columns with his wife Alice Taylor Sharrock, a professional artist
for over 40 years.

If you have any questions concerning the topic
of the post, or about having a relationship with Jesus Christ, you may write to
me at:  I appreciate all my readers but give God all
the glory for this opportunity to journey through life with each of you.  May God bless you!

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