Releasing My Prodigal to God

Stretching over several years, my fear of unknowns surrounding my prodigal son and daughter, abides unhindered. Part of a yet unanswered prayer, admitting my apprehension for their welfare seems a lack of faith. Even more difficult was releasing my prodigal to God.

Yet with each passing year of unknowns regarding their whereabouts or well-being, my fear etches deeper upon my heart.

Far from ending the parental role, a prodigal’s departure leaves a feeling of lost identity. Releasing my prodigal to God involves the sudden end to active parenting, which both confused and pained me.

How Can I Release My Prodigal to God?

My mama’s heart longed to nurture and protect, yet the separation denied me the privilege.

sun through autumn leaves

Wrestling with more questions than answers bred only anxiety and grief. Left with broken pieces which no longer fit together, I wondered how to love a child who preferred I remain outside their life?

Navigating the complexities of holding my prodigals began a battle with fear which dominated my life for many months. Magnifying unknowns, dwelling on past failures, and doubting God’s sovereignty united to keep me focused on fear.

Join me at Living by Design Ministries, as I share my story of releasing two prodigal children to God and the healing which began through my surrendered heart. Though I still look down the road for their return, God has given me something I never expected.


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