Report back: Apologetics Live interview & list of women’s ministries

(Photo: Unsplash)

By Elizabeth Prata

This past week Andrew Rappaport of Striving for Eternity ministry asked me to come on his show which is a live show broadcast on Thursday nights with Anthony Sylvestro. It’s called Apologetics Live and people call or write in with comments and questions. The topic they’d asked me to speak to is women in ministry, women talking theology, and discernment. Did I mention it was live? And two hours long?

I was honored to be asked and also nervous. But it turns out I can talk about Jesus all night long. The time flew. I’ll leave it to you to decide if it was a good talk. If it wasn’t, that’s on me, the two gentlemen are personable and knowledgeable with a long history of preaching & teaching, apologetics ministry as well as evangelism and discernment.

My podcast is The End Time Blog Podcast, available on Apple and all the rest. Also it’s a direct widget on my right sidebar at the blog,

Welcome to new folks who heard about this site from the show and checking me out. I appreciate it! If you would like to know a bit more about me I wrote about why I named this blog The End Time, a few nuggets of quirky info about me, and my doctrinal stance, this information is here at my ABOUT page.

I’ve been writing here at The End Time since 2009. I started the podcast 6 months ago. It’s just me reading what I wrote that day on the blog, lol. Nothing fancy. The longest one was I think about 25 minutes but mostly they last between 5 and 10 minutes long. A friend of mine said that is a great length because she can listen to two or three episodes while driving in to work. I had busy women in mind moms at home, busy working singles, who might not have the time to sit and read, but can listen while they do something else like fold laundry or drive. I’m pleased to report 10,000 listens already. Thank you!

One of the questions Andrew asked me on Apologetics Live was who I thought credible and solid women’s ministries are. I shared a list of several I enjoy, my list is certainly not exhaustive. Quite a few of these are pastor’s wives. Though that certainly isn’t a requirement for a women’s solid ministry, I believe it helps. Many men do not pay attention to what their wives are reading or the conferences they attend. Pastors have a higher diligence in protecting the flock and that includes their wives, as well as striving to maintain an orderly household as the scripture says they must.

Another thing that helps is if the woman has a long track record of being in the public eye without compromising their message nor becoming immoral in any way (in other words, fame or influence hasn’t gone to their head). There are many other solid ministries by women too besides the ones on my short list, who are proclaiming Jesus and honoring His name by being a diligent daughter of the King.

You can find many of these women in their blogs, on Youtube, Instagram, etc. The links I offer are just one of their many presences online. I’m listing women, because the topic I was asked to speak on was women doing theology and women in ministry, but at my blog there is a blogroll that contains many great men’s ministries. I don’t feel that women must listen to women only. In fact, I encourage women to listen to men.

1. Dr. Shelbi Cullen & Kimberly Cummings– Women’s Hope Podcast, part of the Master’s University.

Shelbi and Kimberly have 25 years of combined experience in biblical discipleship and counseling as ACBC counselors, and their content deals with both theology and practical life issues for women.

2. Susan Heck– With the Master.

Susan is a certified counselor with the ACBC, recently widowed after 46 years of marriage to her husband- who was a pastor for 50 years, an author, and serves in her church as well as online and at conferences.

3. Martha Peace

Martha is also an ACBC counselor, speaker, and author. Her books The Excellent Wife and The Exemplary Husband are in 3rd printings and translated into many languages.

4. Brooke Bartz & Erin Coates – Open Hearts Podcast; Open Hearts in a Closed World free online annual conference-

Younger and newer to the scene are these two ladies. Brooke is Founder of Open Heart’s in a Closed World Conference which is now featured on American Gospel TV, and author of “Chronic Love: Trusting God while suffering with a chronic illness.” Co-Host, with her husband, of the “LIT” (Lead in Truth) Podcast.

Erin is wife to Canadian pastor James Coates, conference speaker, and Bible teacher of women.

Erin and Brooke just started a podcast together which will be dropped for the first time in November, and available on AGTV, the BAR Network available on all major podcast streaming and on the YouTube page-Open Hearts in a Closed World. They are also starting an online woman’s book club in November!

5. Amy Spreeman & Michelle Lesley – A Word Fitly Spoken

Amy helped launch a discernment radio program called Stand Up for the Truth, speaks at conferences and women’s groups and is the founder of Berean Research and Naomi’s Table Bible Studies for Women. She is married with two grown children.

Michelle is a family-focused stay at home mom of 6, home school veteran, is active at church and in women’s ministry, and trains Christian women through her blog, speaking engagements, and the podcast with Amy.

6. Lauren Hereford – Host of Tulips and Honey Podcast, and Technical director of Open Hearts in a Closed World. Lauren is married, and is a Reformed, Christian blogger/podcaster who also homeschools her daughter.

7. Robin Self – A Worthy Walk-

Robin Self is a Baptist pastor’s wife in a tiny town in Oklahoma, serving alongside her husband in church ministry for 28 years. She has 3 grown children.

The key for me is in this set of verses. Older women are to be reverent, younger are to be subject to their husbands, for the sole purpose of NOT dishonoring God. And isn’t that our chief aim? Whether we’re in a ministry or enjoying the benefits of someone else’s ministry, we women should honor God. It is our chief end in life.

Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored. (Titus 2:3-5)

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