Report: God is at work everywhere! - Enjoying the Journey

We serve a God who works in mighty ways. Time, location, or circumstances do not bind our great God. In our service to Him, unbelief is the greatest hindrance to our Master. God’s eternal work, the work He is doing everywhere is advancing. The Spirit of God is at work in every place, convicting of “sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8). Our responsibility is to be faithful in our part of God’s work. Our finite minds cannot comprehend the power of God – it is far greater than we can know (Isaiah 55:5-12, Ephesians 3:20). At this writing, I have just returned from Togo, West Africa. No words can accurately retell what God did and is doing there, but I pray this brief testimony will challenge and encourage you.

Bible Clubs

The Bible club ministry I worked with is called Good News Soldiers, a wonderful group of national believers who conduct Vacation Bible Schools in villages across Togo, and in several adjacent nations. It was remarkable to see the sacrifice and dedication of this group, based out of a local church. They also work to establish and strengthen churches across Togo once a gospel foothold has been established. Timothee Afangbedjee and the team work completely by faith and receive no salary for their labor of love.

I was privileged to work in two villages during my time there – Tabligbo and Sanguera. It was remarkable to see many young hearts open to the Word in villages once held captive to voodooism. This is not to say there were no difficulties, anytime God works, opposition arises – just read the Book of Acts! Sometimes, even the opposition is an opportunity for God to work (1 Corinthians 16:9; Acts 18-19).

We saw this illustrated vividly during one Bible club:

During one of the teaching times, towards the end of day 2 in Tabligbo, a group of teenage boys started getting rowdy. These young men did not attend the Sunday school there and most of them were lost. As the club went on, the disruptions began to intensify and change forms. Several young ladies began to receive unwanted attention – and at that point, we had to put a stop to it. We rounded up the whole group of young men and took them aside to correct their inappropriate behavior. As I tried to guide the young men toward God’s intent for manhood, the Holy Spirit reminded me that only those who know Christ and have His Spirit can become all God intends. After several minutes, we explained this truth to the group, and I asked Tim to continue sharing the gospel with them in their dialect. 45 minutes later, 17 young men turned from their sin and placed their faith in Christ alone. Praise God! Even in opposition, God is at work (Philippians 1:12-20).

Bible Teaching

We are delighted to share what God did through the Enjoying the Journey Seminar that was conducted in Lomé, Togo. You can see a few pictures below, but we took the Search the Scriptures materials, translated them, and taught them in French. All these resources are available for free in English, French, and as God allows, in more languages in the future. The Word of God is sufficient in every language and its truth endures for all people. The national pastors were thrilled to take the same teaching to their own congregation. The Word of God is perfect. It contains the truth every person on earth needs. It will not return void (Isaiah 55). We hope to develop more materials in areas that lack solid Bible teaching.

Bible Truths

We are laborers together with God.

One of the greatest promises in Scripture is that Christ is with us (Matthew 28:18-20, Hebrews 13:5). An oft-forgotten, but connected truth is that “we are labourers together with God” (1 Corinthians 3:9). As we labor in service to God, we rest in this: It not up to us, and we are not competing with His other servants. God gives the ability. The Lord assigns our tasks, callings, and talents. He will give the increase (1 Corinthians 3:1-14). Our responsibility is to remain faithful. As I spoke with faithful men in Togo, West Africa, I was reminded of our kinship in Christ. Our lives, languages, cultures, families, and locations are completely different – yet, there is a wonderful unity as we labor with and under the same faithful Master.

Spiritual blessings are far greater than material.

It is hard to see the overwhelming poverty that dominates the nation of Togo. Thousands of hungry orphans fill the streets and villages. Churches happily meet in rain and storms (as I experienced) covered only by a tin roof. No AC, running water, or comfy seats; also, no complaints. In the early church, they often had nothing, yet the gospel abounded. God is not limited by human resources. In fact, His divine resources are available to all His people!

However, the early church also gave to help their struggling brothers and sisters in Christ (2 Corinthians 8-9). The Word of God is sufficient and directs us on how to address even these difficulties. Investing in faithful nationals and zealous missionaries will bring eternal fruit. Commit to pray for and give to those in need and thank God for His provision in your life. Ask God to show you what your part is in His mission.

The work of God is far bigger than you or I. What a privilege to be a small piece in His divine plan. He is at work everywhere! Is there a better purpose for life than investing it in eternity for the glory of the God who redeemed us? No! Let us say with Livingstone, to serve the Lord “is emphatically no sacrifice. Say rather it is a privilege.”

Pictures from the Journey: 

Tabligbo village in Togo, West Africa. Bible study in Africa. Children in Africa.

Tabligbo village in Togo, West Africa. Bible study in Africa. Children in Africa. Togo, West Africa. Bible study in Africa. Pastors in Africa


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