Science is good when it’s good, but it’s not God

(Photo: Unsplash)

By Elizabeth Prata

Climategate is one of worst but longest lasting scandals of our generation. (But then came Covid-gate).

Climategate was a 2009 expose where “The story was first broken by climate change denialists, who argued that the [hacked and published emails from climate scientists] showed that global warming was a scientific conspiracy and that scientists manipulated climate data and attempted to suppress critics.”

Just like with Coronavirus ten years later.

In both those cases and I’m sure others we could use as an example, rather than being a shining beacon pursuing truth amidst credible data, it reveals instead that a compromised scientific establishment deluded the world. Scientists who are held in positions of trust to pursue truth have instead misused their position to conceal truth, and at the expense of nations and their own consciences.

The issues of whichever-gate, of widespread manipulated scientific information, hidden data, and corrupted peer-review process transcend individual personal ambition and show how deep the corruption can go when arrogant men collude for greedy purposes.

Michael Seifert, CEO of, said yesterday,

“A Pfizer exec admitted that their covid vaccine was never tested to prevent transmission and a study out of Florida found that the mRNA vaccine led to an 84% increase in cardiac related deaths among young men. Forcing it on the world is one of the biggest scandals in history.”

How does this scandalous approach affect the non-believer? How can we Christians use this information to point to God and reveal His works to a seeking heart? Especially now that coronavirus seems to be dying down and we don’t hear the word ‘pandemic’ as much. How are we to sort out our feelings on scientific betrayal, and a betrayal that affected just about everyone on the planet, intimately and sometimes permanently?

God has initiated many ways to reach His lost children. One way the LORD has shown Himself in His world is through science. Romans 1:20 says: “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Any sensitive heart that has seen a delicate flower bloom, or wondered after the mystery of a colorful sunset, the everlasting sweep of tides, or a butterfly’s wing, has pondered His invisible attributes.

Yet satan has done a good job of separating us from God’s expression through science by deluding many into thinking that science IS God. Often we see that science can be wrong. Ida was hailed as the missing link in evolutionary theory, yet it’s not even a close relative. Do we have ten planets in our solar system? Or only 8? What killed the dinosaurs? Global warming? Or a comet?

Climategate strengthened the notion that we can, and should, question man’s scientific conclusions, especially in the face of evidence in front of us. Covid-gate confirmed it. Trust but verify has dwindled to either derisive untrust on one side or total blind trust on the other.

In many instances, science has failed, but God has never failed. If there is good to come out of these ‘science-gates’, it is that questioning science is essential. In this topsy-turvy world, we have seen people question God and accept science as gospel, when it should be the other way around. “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

Science can often be a tool for good. Penicillin, pasteurization, and cancer treatments come to mind. Science by itself is not bad. But when scientific men seek to remove God from the equation, then anything can happen, and anything did. Science and men failed us in Climategate, COVID-gate, but God never does.


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