Scripture Challenge: Leviticus


This has been an incredible week, and I’m still claiming Exodus 15:2, how about you? I have absolutely loved that verse, and thankful that it’s now hiding in my heart…
Now for the next one! I did a little reading in my Holman Illustrated Study Bible, and reading the introduction helped me come to the verse for this week:

Teachings about God

Leviticus teaches that in His holiness

God has the absolute right to instruct His people

in what holiness demands, down to the minute details of life.

HCSB, pg. 125

We know that this book’s intention was to teach the Israelites how to live in right relationship with God. For the Israelites, that meant they had to offer the right sacrifice, the right way, at the right time. For us, it reminds us that since Christ came as the ultimate sacrifice, we are no longer bound by the law, but set free — free from the bondage of sin and free to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him = HOLINESS.

When I looked at this book, the overwhelming theme that stood out to me was God’s call to holiness, so I chose this verse for the week:

Leviticus 20-7.jpg

Holiness a misunderstood term both in the church and in the secular world. We are called to be holy, which includes moral living (not perfection), and a life that is intentionally set apart to God (not set apart from the world).

In the OT holiness means to be set apart;

however, it does not indicate being set apart from the world

in a separatist way.  The term is used of ancient Israel’s

being set apart to God.  As God is holy–set apart,

unique, different, distinct, ‘There is no other like God’ —

so ancient Israel as people of God was to be holy,

different from other people because they were

people of God.

HCSB, pg. 147

We know that no one can be perfect this side of heaven, so this word ‘holy’ and what you or I can interpret that to mean opens up a whole can of worms.  Some would say, “what’s right for you isn’t necessarily right for me”.  All I know is, if my heart is in right relationship with God and I am truly seeking His will and not my own, my life should and will look different from those whose pursuits are going in a different direction.  Our battle with selfish desires is a daily one, and only by God’s grace can we even begin to pursue the path of holiness.  Aren’t you thankful today for a loving God?  He knows my name.  He knows each time I fall.  He still loves me!

Have a great week!


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