Spiritual gifts in Bible: 1 Corinthians 12:8–10

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Spiritual gifts in Bible: 1 Corinthians 12:8–10

Posted on January 23, 2018

Babatope Babalobi: + 2348035897435  babalobi@yahoo.com

1 Corinthians 12:8–10

For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;

To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

There are nine spiritual gifts itemized in 1 Corinthians 12

 No 1: Word of Wisdom. This enables a Christian to know the solution to any problem

No 2 : Word of knowledge. This enables a Christian to know what is going on in a place, people, or with a person.

 No 3: Faith. A christian with this gift believes God for the possible or impossible without any shred of doubt

No 4: Gift of healing: A christian with this gift is able to heal any sickness supernaturally, including those termed incurable.

No 5: Working of miracles. This gift enables a Christian to achieve anything against the natural order, laws, rules, or protocol.

No 6: Prophecy. A christian with this gift is able to make divine declarations or statements in native tongue reflecting the mind of God. Prophecy is God speaking through a human bring.

 No 7: Discerning of spirits. This enables a believer to detect the presence, plans, and purpose of both Holy Spirit and evil spirits.

 No 8: Divers kinds of tongues. The speaker speaks, prays, or exhorts in other languages not known to him

No 9: Interpretation of tongues. This enables a Christian to interpret in a native language utterance spoken in an unknown language by another Christian with the gift of divers kinds of tongues

Facts about spiritual gifts

1. These are given by the Holy Spirit.
2. They are for ALL Christians not church leaders alone
3. Many Christian are ignorant of these gifts
4. Many Christians don’t manifest these gifts throughout their life time.
5. The gifts are diverse, and are for different but complementary administrations and operations
6. Many believers have these gifts but the gifts are dormant, not used, or activated.
7. If we have these gifts, every Christian will lead a victorious life
8. These gifts can be received by holiness,active service to God, prayer, faith, and by simply asking from the Holy Spirit


🙌Holy spirit activate every spiritual gift in me in Jesus name
🙌Power of God destroy my spiritual ignorance and illiteracy in Jesus name
🙌 Holy Spirit teach me how to receive, activate, and use my spiritual gifts in Jesus name
🙌I claim my spiritual gifts from the wardrobe of heaven in Jesus name
🙌Holy spirit give me every spiritual gifts you have prepared for me before I was born in Jesus name
🙌Holy Spirit transform me from the ordinary level to the supernatural level in Jesus name
🙌I receive all spiritual gifts in Jesus name. I refuse to short change myself

Babatope Babalobi: + 2348035897435  babalobi@yahoo.com

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This entry was posted in Character and tagged 1 Corinthians 12:8–10, Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, christian deliverance, christian prayers, Christianity, financial breakthroughs, God, Jesus, spiritual gifts.

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