Strength, Courage and Wisdom - Jewell Utt

    Strength, courage and wisdom. Some days it’s hard to find.

    I encountered a young woman at the library. Her eyes were sad, her spirit troubled. Problems were mounting and she couldn’t see a way out. I wasn’t sure if I should approach her, but I took the chance.

    I did it because I had known another young woman with troubles. We were close in spirit, yet far in proximity. No one took the time to find out what was wrong with her, at a point when she could’ve listened. I wish they had, she needed help, but was too withdrawn to ask. Yes, it would’ve taken time out of a well planned day. It would’ve required a heart who cared enough to make that change.

    What greater investment could you make in a day, but to reach out and
    help someone in grave need?

    She’s no longer here, but this other young woman is…she’s at the library, she’s in the grocery, she’s in your church, she’s at your job. She can’t reach out, she needs you to reach in and share your strength, courage and wisdom.

    Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
    Phil 2:4

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